Elsa Boulderbrew

A server at the Stonehill Inn. She can provide rumors and minor details about goings-on in the town.   Appearance and Personality: Elsa is likely a young woman, possibly in her late teens or early twenties. She might have a typical look of a local villager, dressed in simple but practical clothing suitable for her job. As a server at the inn, she is probably friendly and approachable, used to dealing with different kinds of patrons, from weary travelers to local townsfolk.   Elsa might have a cheerful demeanor, with a knack for remembering people's faces and names, making her well-liked among the regulars.   Role at the Stonehill Inn: Elsa's primary role is to serve food and drink to the inn's guests. She takes orders, delivers meals, and ensures that the patrons are comfortable. Given the nature of her job, she is likely privy to a lot of gossip and rumors that circulate around the town. This makes her a valuable source of information for adventurers looking to get a sense of the local dynamics and news.   Interactions with the Party: While Elsa may not offer quests directly, she can provide the player characters with useful insights about Phandalin and its residents. Her knowledge of the town’s happenings and the people who frequent the inn could lead the party to other key NPCs or point them towards areas of interest. Elsa could also offer a more personal perspective on what life is like in Phandalin, especially in light of the troubles caused by the Redbrands.   Background: Elsa's background might be that of a typical villager in Phandalin. She could be working at the inn to support her family or as a way to earn a living in a town with limited opportunities. Her experiences at the inn would give her a broad view of the town’s issues, from the Redbrand menace to the arrival of strangers like the adventurers.
"Daran Edermath, the orchard keeper, is a former adventurer."   "I'm so proud of my sister, Gwyn, she is a scholar in the big city."
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