Stonehill Inn

Appearance: The Stonehill Inn is a two-story building made of stone and wood, exuding a rustic charm. The exterior is well-maintained, with a warm glow emanating from its windows, inviting weary travelers inside. The inn has a sturdy, welcoming front door, and the sign depicting a hill made of stones sways gently in the breeze.   Interior: Upon entering, visitors find themselves in a cozy, well-lit common room. There are several wooden tables and chairs scattered around, and a large fireplace dominates one wall, providing warmth and a comforting crackle. The floors are wooden, occasionally creaking underfoot, adding to the inn's character.   Proprietor: Toblen Stonehill, the owner, is a friendly, middle-aged human who moved to Phandalin to find a better life for his family. He's knowledgeable about the local area and is a good source of rumors and information. Toblen is hospitable and often seen chatting with guests or offering advice about the region.   Services and Amenities: The inn offers lodging, with a number of modest but clean and comfortable rooms available for rent. There's also a dining service, with Toblen’s spouse, Trilena, often helping to serve home-cooked meals and local ales. The menu might include hearty stews, fresh bread, and other simple, filling fare.   Atmosphere and Clientele: The Stonehill Inn tends to attract a mix of locals and travelers. On any given day, one might find miners discussing their latest finds, merchants negotiating deals, or adventurers planning their next quest. The atmosphere is generally friendly and bustling, with the occasional bard playing music in the corner.   MusicPhandalin Shops

Purpose / Function

For adventurers, the Stonehill Inn serves as a hub for rest, gathering information, and meeting key NPCs. It's a place where players can learn about local rumors, find new quests, and interact with the townsfolk of Phandalin.


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