Nars Dendrar

Nars's role is primarily as a part of the Dendrar family. His experiences and reactions as a young resident of Phandalin can provide depth to the town's narrative and contribute to the overall atmosphere of the setting.   Appearance: Nars Dendrar is a 13-year-old boy. His attire would likely be simple and functional, suitable for the son of a modest woodcarver family in a small town. Being young, his clothes might show signs of wear from play and exploration.   Personality: Nars is depicted as curious and lively, typical of a young teenager. His inquisitive nature might lead him to explore his surroundings and show interest in the adventurers and their tales. He likely possesses a youthful energy and a sense of wonder about the world.   Background: As the son of Thel and Mirna Dendrar, Nars has grown up in Phandalin, a small town that has seen both hard times and recent growth. His upbringing in a humble woodcarver's family would have been filled with the daily routines of town life and the struggles and joys typical of a close-knit family.


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