Session #3 - The Battle for Tresendar Manor

General Summary

The party, intent on dealing with Glasstaff and the Redbrands, made their way to Tresendar Manor. Stavros scouted the perimeter, finding the hidden tunnel entrance mentioned by Carp as their best option, with the front door being the only other visible entry point.   Upon entering the tunnel, Zora, with her keen druidic senses, heard the ominous clicking of the Nothic Ssarnak, a telepathic demonic creature residing in the manor's depths. Prepared for battle, the party was relieved to learn that the Nothic was more interested in eating Bugbears than them. Stavros Hilkin, using his ranger's intuition, offered it beef jerky to gain safe passage.   Crafting a cunning plan, the party decided to lure the Bugbears to the Nothic. Zora, in her puma form, feigned injury to draw the Bugbears out. The ruse was successful, and as they chased her across the bridge, the Nothic collapsed it, sending two Bugbears plummeting to their doom. Their screams and the sound of flesh being devoured echoed through the cavern.   The remaining two Bugbears proved a challenge, but the combined efforts of Eoric's magical blasts, Stavros' sharpshooting, Zora's ferocity, and Ghesh's hammer strikes ultimately subdued them. As a token of gratitude, the party offered the Bugbear corpses to the voracious Nothic.   In the Bugbear chamber, they found Droop, a beaten goblin who provided more insights into the lair. Moving forward, they surprised the Redbrand bandits in the next room. The ensuing battle was tough but ultimately won by the party.   Upon reaching Glasstaff's quarters, the wizard fled through a hidden door, prompting a chase. Ghesh and Stavros pursued, but it was Zora, in a dramatic leap, who caught up with Glasstaff's. However, they triggered a trap, narrowly escaping as the floor collapsed. Zora managed to incapacitate Glasstaff's, while the rest of the party dealt with the skeletons and remaining Redbrands.   The session concluded with Stavros heroically freeing the captive Dendrar family (MirnaNilsa, and Nars), marking a significant victory against the Redbrands in Phandalin.  
Report Date
22 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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