Bersal Syndrome

Bersal Syndrome is a degenerative disease caused by damage to DNA by gravitationally lensed x-ray radiation. Exceedingly rare and almost only ever encountered in crew members of vessels that have been studying quasars without adequate planning or safety measures in place.

Transmission & Vectors

When terrans are exposed to gravitationally lensed x-rays, they run a serious chance of developing Bersal Syndrome. This is the only known way to acquire this rare disease.


Radiation damage to the gene sequences in DNA caused by x-rays that are experincing gravity lens effects. Quasars are the most common culprit, but any celestial body that generates x-rays and gravity lenses could cause it.


Initially feeling like tiredness and weakness, victims of this syndrome see their muscles atrophy and feel themselves go numb as they lose control of their bodily functions.


Gene therapy and remapping has been successful in halting degeneration. Treatment is expensive for those in areas without healthcare, although it is a straight forward treatment once a diagnosis has been made. the process generally takes two weeks with the victim remaining in isolation in intensive care. With treatment, depending on the level of advancement the disease has run, recovery can be complete.


Left untreated, Bersal Syndrome is 100% fatal. Vicitms become physically weaker, unable to move, breath, or control their bodies as they go blind, deaf, and unable to feel or control their bodies. Eventually, as the nervous system fails, the victim dies, unable to maintain the basic autonomic system activities needed to live.


The greatest issue with recovering from Bersal Syndrome is the muscular and nerve regeneration process followed by between six months and two years of physiotherapy to get everything working again. If the victim has suffered from visual and aural damage, that adds to the recovery process.

Affected Groups

Stellar explorers operatingin deep space.


Proper radiation sheilding and proper planning of orbital distances from quasars are the only effective ways to avoid this disease.


Bersal Syndrome only occurs in terrans who have been exposed to x-rays that have been affected by gravity lenses.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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