Cerica Stone

Developed in recent years on Tanit II, Cerica Stone is a silicate-ceramic composite that's rapidly become the preferred material for building cladding. Available in tiles, bricks, and larger forms, Cerica Stone is famous for its durability against the elements, being impenetrable to organic threats, and its light weight. The material has been so revolutionary that it's changing the entire construction industry in the Tanit system. The idea of buildings that won't decay with time has captured the imaginations of everyone from the average person to the most elite engineers and architechs.


Material Characteristics

Comprised of cutting edge ceramic material, it undergoes a compositing process using silica from the asteroid belt in the Tanit system. The end result is a lightweight material with astouding resilience. A 30cm cube of the material weighs 4.5kg, and exceeds all non-military material standards for durability, drop resistance, water resistance, and more. It's alos effective as protection from conventional firearms and explosions in sufficient density.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It's tough, light, and easily poured into forms for use.

Origin & Source

Cerica Stone was developed on Tanit II in response to the severe weather conditions faced by buildings during the Storm Season.

Life & Expiration

The estimated half-life of Cerica Stone is 1.2 million years, and it's not known how or if it will truly detoriorate. It has no expiration. How to recycle it became an immediate issue, and two methods have developed. One is reuse. The material is collected, cleaned, de-glazed, reglazed, and used as is. The other is recycling as Cerica Sand, where it's crushed repeatedly into a sand, then combined with a bonding agent to create everything from paving stones to art installations. Cerica Sand is not nearly as durable, but a thriving, predatory business has developed anound selling it to low income areas.
Mild mineral odor.
Unglazed Cerica Stone tastes like neutral minerals and has a smooth texture.
Cerica Stone is an off white in its unglazed state, and special glazes in a number of colours are available for it.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Cerica Stone does not boil or condense after it hase been fired.
Melting / Freezing Point
At 8570C, Cerica Stone undergoes a vitrification process and turns into a neutral glass-like material. At -270C, it becomes brittle and prone to shattering.


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Aug 23, 2024 15:34

Very cool. I liked the addition at the end of a less decay-resistant offshoot. For every good material, there's bound to be a bad one.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.