Surat Weave

For protection when engaged in exploration, athletic endeavour, or other... risky activities, Surat Weave is the premier fabric. Developed in New Maratha Republic city of Surat, it's a polymerized bamboo fibre that's broadly considered the "silk" of the modern era. Worn by athletes in bright colours, scientists and explorers in utility styles, and by people needing some extra protection, the comparison to silk in the middle ages is an apt one. It has many similar traits, and besides all of that, its impact on the environment is dramatically less than many textiles that contributed to the environmental breakdown of the Burning Era.


Cool when it's warm, warm when it's cool, breathable, rip proof, the list of things this fabric is good for is lengthy. It also does a decent job of ballistic protection, acting like kevlar but at half the needed thickness for the same levels of protection.

Social Impact

Surat Weave revolutionized sports and extreme activities when it was released, and has remained a staple since.
Access & Availability
Products made with Surat Weave range in availability from "uncommon" to "rare" depending on the product. Civilian grade pro level sports wear? Uncommon. Ultra-durable exploration wear? Rare. Ballistic and blade protecting vests and uniforms? Ultra-rare. While it is environmentally sound to make, it is a lengthy and precise process, preventing it from common usage.
Specialized machines are needed for all stages of making Surat Weave and then turning it into clothing.
The textile industry of Earth was reeling from new environmental limitations placed on them in the Martian Arc Era, and the drive was there to develop new textiles that had dramatically less environmental impacts than previous ones. Mehta Group was one of the successful operations to do so, leveraging their acquisition of botanical and chemical companies to their advantage. Originally, and terribly, named "PolyBoo", the term "Surat Weave" rapidly replaced that and became the name it's known as into the modern era.


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Aug 16, 2024 17:56 by Cassie Storyweaver

I enjoyed the hints at your world's history: "Martian Arc Era"? I'm instantly intrigued. Also "Poly Boo" - yeah that is a dud !

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