The Baniyam Thumb

Buddhists in the Tanit System are common, and their main temple, on Tanit II, is home to a relic of their faith from Earth itself, the Baniyam Thumb. Its journey to Tanit II was long and convoluted, but its presence there not only saved the Buddhist community during one of the system's darkest periods, but reminded the entire system's population that survival was an option no matter how bad things seemed.


Believed to have been carved in the 6th Century CE, the Buddhas of Baniyam stood until 2001 CE when they were destroyed on the orders of the Taliban. Parts were recovered and preserved in subsequent years during the NATO mission in Afghanistan (the nation there during that era). For centuries following that, these parts were stored in museums and universities, traded illegally, or forgotten. During a salvage operation in the EU Republic during the Martian Arc Era, a young Buddhist found one of the Bamiyan Buddha's thumbs in a battered box. Realizing what they'd found, they secreted it away, and it became an artifact protected by their family for centuries until their descendants made the journey to Tanit II as colonists. They kept it hidden there too, until the Great Stellar War cut the planet off. Seeing the strife and hardship, they shared their long kept secret with the community. The result was galvanizing, and re-energized the Buddhist community. Now it's protected by more people than ever before and has become the source of an annual pilgrimage event in the system.


The Bamiyan Thumb is a major relic to the Buddhist community of the Tanit System, and a tangible connection to the civilizations of Earth for the non-Buddhist population.
Creation Date
6th Century CE
Unique. The Baniyam Thumb's provenance and irreplaceable nature make it absolutely unique in the unniverse.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The Baniyam Thumb is carved from stone, and shows signs of explosive damage and an attempted restoration.


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Aug 29, 2024 21:34 by Kaleidechse

I really like how this ties into real-world history. It makes a lot of sense that a salvaged piece of such a statue becomes a symbol of survival under the hardest conditions.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.