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Flight of the Valkyrie


  The year is 301 PS (Post Scouring). You are playing a group of inventors who work for the Gearworth Steam Tech Company, either as an employee or a contractor.   The Gearworth Steam Tech Company has finished construction on the first ever inter-continental class airship, which happens to be their first airship (as far as the public knows).   There have been other airships created. Hollowholt, before its destruction had many airship. And Insomnia City has made several airships.   The party has been assigned to protect the new airship, call Valkyrie, on its trip. The party is to maintain the airship's systems and protect it from any external threats on its trip to Noxhaven.   The trip from Oros to Noxhaven normally takes 30 days via boat. The trip via air is planned to take 15 – 20 days.   The specific goals the party are assigned with are: 1) Ensure the airship makes it to Noxhaven, fully intact and cargo secure. 2) Make sure the airship is airborne all the way from Gearworth to Noxhaven. The airship should only land in the case of an emergency, as that will fail the concept of being an inter-continental airship.

Character Creation

All races are available. As always, check out the The Races of the Second Oriana Imperium guide for what races are the most common.   Classes
For this particular adventure everyone will have 6 levels of Artificer. Any subclass from Roll20 will be allowed.   Starting Level
The starting level is 6.   Bonuses
Each character will start with an additional Feat at level 1. They can also exchange one of their proficiencies for the Air Vehicles proficiency.   Starting Equipment
Characters start with the following equipment, awarding them to the character once it has been created at level 6:
  • Starting equipment and gold as per the character class and background choices.
  • Any 1 Common Magic Items in Roll20
  • Any 1 Uncommon Magic Items in the Dungeon Master's Guide
  • 1,200 gp (can be used to buy weapons, armour, adventuring gear, and spellcasting components)
  • 1 Potion of Greater Healing
  • A set of Thieves' Tools or Tinkers Tools as well as an additional set of Tools


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