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Insomnia City

Insomnia City is the capitol city of the country of Insomnia.


80% Human, 10% Gnomish, 4% Dwarven, 4% Elven, 2% Other


Dock District
The docks stretch from from the Insomnian River to a series of ancient stone pillars to the south of the city. The docks near the river are well maintained and used by the Insomnian Navy and large businesses. Moving east towards the pillars the docks become more run-down and maze-like.   Riverside District
North of the Dock District following the Insomnian River is the Riverside District, a mixture of industrial businesses that change to commercial as you move north.   Ocean Heights
North of the Dock District is a mixture of housing and businesses.   Palace District
North of the Riverside district is the Palace District, home to the Royal Palace and a number of other large buildings and towers.   Storm District
In the centre of the city is the Storm District. A mixture of large home and businesses. The interesting thing about this district is the ancient large stone channels that drain water into tunnels that lead under the dock district to the ocean.   Stormlight Hotel
Tinker Tower   Gate District
The northern most district within the city walls. Home to many businesses.   Upper East District
Residential area based in the hills. Can be accessed from the Gate District and Hillside Heights. The western hill provide a natural city wall.   Hillside Heights
Residential area based in the hills. Can be accessed from the Upper East District and Southern Hills. The western hill provide a natural city wall.   Southern Hills
Residential area based in the hills. Can be accessed from the Dock District and Hillside Heights. The western hill provide a natural city wall.   Fields District
North of the city wall is a mixture of housing and farmlands that stretch out into the Lucidian Fields.   Lucidian Fields
The area between Wickerhall, Tinkertown, and Insomnia is called the Lucidian Fields. This wide grasslands is home to many farms and many wild animals.
Alternative Name(s)
Insomnia, The City That Never Sleeps
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present

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