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Kobolds are also known as 'Dragonlings', though they will often refer to themselves as Dragons.

Desert Kobold

A subspecies of Kobold that have adapted to living in the The Great Desert of Insomnia. They like to swarm enemies in large numbers. Due to the time spent out in the sunlight these Kobolds have adjusted their vision over time to suit.

Frostscale Kobold

A subspecies of Kobold that have adapted to living in the The Frozen North. Often found serving Frost Giants.

Basic Information


Kobolds are considered Humanoid.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kobolds reach adulthood in under 6 years and can live up to 120, though living to an old age is very rare as they usually die before they reach 20.

Ecology and Habitats

Kobolds seem to enjoy tough environments to live in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kobolds enjoy meat but can eat most foods. The prefer not to eat "talking meat" out of fear of retaliation, but if needed they will eat any creature.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kobolds are very social and live in very large villages.

Facial characteristics

Kobolds have reptilian heads.

Average Intelligence

Kobolds are considered to be less intelligent than the average Humanoid.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kobolds can see in the dark but are generally sensitive to the sunlight. There are some subspecies that lack these traits.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Generally Kobolds are either at war with or serve other races. They willingly serve and worship Chromatic Dragons. Kobolds absolutely hate Gnomes.
120 years
Average Height
2 to 3 feet
Average Weight
25 to 35 pounds
Average Physique
Kobolds are small and skinny.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kobolds are covered in scales. Usually they are red or brown scales, but some of the subraces have different coloured scales.
Geographic Distribution


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