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Oriana Snow Cat

Basic Information


The Oriana Snow Cat is a four-legged feline mammal. The cat as pointed ears, wide whiskers, and a long tail. Its whole body is covered in thick white fur.

Biological Traits

While its average lifespan is years, the Oriana Snow Cat can live up to 24 year under the right conditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Oriana Snow Cat reaches adulthood in 10 months from birth, though they tend to take another 10 months before they stop growing.

Ecology and Habitats

The Oriana Snow Cat lives in wintery terrain, particularly in areas where there is snowfall during at least part of the year. Specifically, the Oriana Snow Cat is native to The Frozen Wastes and Northern Oriana Imperium but can be found in northern areas of Oros.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Oriana Snow Cat hunts mice, rats, small birds, and small lizards.


The Oriana Snow Cat is a very shy species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Oriana Snow Cat lives in small family groups. Once they reach about 14 months of age, the snow cat leaves its family group to find a mate and start their own family group.


There have been very few attempts to domesticate the Oriana Snow Cat, mostly due to how difficult it is to find them in the wild.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Northern area of Oros.

Average Intelligence

The Oriana Snow Cat is considered to have average intelligence for being a beast.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Oriana Snow Cat has exceptional hearing and can see in low-light conditions.
14 years
Conservation Status
While not endangered, it is rare to find a Oriana Snow Cat due to its low population.
Average Length
36 inches
Average Physique
The Oriana Snow Cat has a very lean build, though its fur makes it look puffy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Oriana Snow Cat is covered in thick white fur that allows it to camouflage into snow.
Geographic Distribution


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