Drakkar Longship Vehicle in The Terrable | World Anvil
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Drakkar Longship

The Drakkar class longship is the most prestigious northern warship. The Drakkar is big; with sizes up to 50 metres in length. Fitted with both sails and oars, a Drakkar can have up to 35 pairs of oars, allowing it to travel with speed utilising any propulsion method. The Drakkar is capable of carrying a large cargo, which is beneficial on large scale raids, where the raiders can take as much treasure home as possible. The ship is thought to carry a crew of around 80. The scale and size of the Drakkar also allows for raids to take place further away. The larger cargo holds means the journeys across the Mare Nostgard is more feasible compared to the smaller ship classes.   The Drakkar will have a animal head stem on the bow. In some cases the animal design will have moved down to the stern as well, with a matching animal tail. This Drakkar design is thought to be reserved for the largest ship in the northern fleets. It is the flagship that would head up the landing parties and raids to cause maximum fear and panic.   The Drakkar is mainly used by northern folk like the Fhokki, Deji and Skraeling.

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