Carrida Settlement in The Terrene | World Anvil
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Come, my friend, sit with me and have a cup of Qahfa. We will lounge beneath the veranda, and let the breeze from the river cool us.

Fate has smiled down upon me recently, and I feel like It has not looked away just yet. The floods are coming, and if Fate will bless me with Its touch one more time, I will rise to the Masirjaar and take my rightful place as one of the elect.

That is for the future, though. Tonight is for the burn of the Qhafa, the cool breezes from the great river, and the goat that is roasting in the oven. We shall have the servants attend to us, and live the life we deserve, whether Fate continues to smile or not.

Perasa Menne, future Rava Anqadar
The Silver Zephyr tavern, Carrida, 862 Af.


Humans are the largest species in Carrida, making up a total of 42% of the population, with 98% of those humans Kaderian. Scopulae are the next largest group, making up 26% of the population. The Scopulae started from those that left the nomadic tribes during droughts, but most that live there now were born there, and they share a culture with the Kaderian.

Dwarves from the Spine Mountains are another 15% of the population, and Dragonborn make up another 13%. 70% of the Dragonborn are brass, with silver, blue, and red making up almost all of the rest. Various other species are found in the city, but they are not well established and shift in relative numbers regularly.

The merchant class, the wealthiest of the city, make up about 1% of the population, and control about one third of the wealth of the city-state. The burgher class - artisans, physicians, priests, and the like - make up about 20% of the population, and control another third of the wealth. The remaining 80% are the labor class, and control the remainder of the wealth.


The government is nominally run by the Rava Anqadar, although they only have whatever power they can pry from the Masirjaar, or Council of Merchants. The Rava can come to power in several ways, including hereditary dynasties, military juntas, and populist waves.

No matter the Rava, they still have to contend with the Council, who in most ways controls the city. They provide the coin to run the city, so the army and the guards owe them more allegiance than the Rava. The Rava generally works with the Council, enacting their desires so that they would allow the Rava to rule in less important matters.

A substantial bureaucracy exists in Carrida to enact the Ravas decrees and to maintain the existing laws. This is mostly run by the church of Iuris, which grants the church outsized influence on policy.

Founding Date
~300 Be.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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