7.16.5014 to 9.11.5014

General Summary

Joining Forces

After recuperating from their actions near the Gray Towns, the Lancer team returned to Evergreen for some much needed rest. However, they soon were sent by Patience to investigate "Egregorian" forces spotted by scouts. Upon arrival, they found a small group of Hercynian Rangers led by Dthall Ordo. She explained their situation, that they had recently fended off a machine assault and their unit had been seriously damaged. Dthall offered to escort the Lancers to Hivehome, one of three cities that form the Hercynian United Cities, to attempt to form peace between Evergreen and the HUC. The team, after conferring with Patience, agreed to join her. The Lancers traveled to Hivehome on foot through a series of underground caves.   The city, a series of islands rising out of an underground sea, greeted them at first with caution, but then with a friendliness unmatched by most indigenous populations. Many of the locals took an interest in the group, such as the Egregorian William-William. The Lancers came to realize that the Egregorians were a sapient race. They also learned of the attempted extermination by the Second Committee hundreds of years before, which ultimately led to the fall of SecCom and the rise of ThirdCom. After aiding Dthall with rescuing a few of her rangers from invisible attackers from St. Tellus, a city-state on the other side of the world, the party met with Terror and Endeavor.   Finally, at Egregore Cross, the Lancers met with the leaders of the HUC. There, they discussed plans and made deals to convince the HUC to aid the Lancers in the defense of Evergreen. However, just after the meeting, the city of Daylight was destroyed by a Kinetic-Kill Rod dropped by Beggar One via the Cassander Orbital platform. The Lancers rallied who they could, and after defeating a machine force, escaped Hivehome. They learned of the fall of Evergreen shortly thereafter.  

Final Push

Understanding now that they were on a timer, with the Cassander once again preparing to drop a KKR and Beggar One devouring Patience's casket, the Lancers set out to defeat Beggar One. First, they invaded Evergreen in order to release Brava Hadura, the militia, and Contingency White. After a brief battle, the prisoners managed to escape. Many dispersed into the city to await the call for action, with more leaving the city to regroup at the FOB. With the help of Contigency White, the Lancers departed the planet to board the Cassander. Before arriving on the orbital platform, they first dropped off CW at a listening outpost on Hercynia's moon, seemingly ignoring the broad political ramifactions that having a listening post for an inhabited world would bring.   After a brief battle with point defense forces, the Lancers battled through the Cassander to reach its control room and take control of the station. With that, they departed back to Hercynia to prepare for their final assault. The Lancers took time to ready their mechs for battle, with LOU15 choosing to retrieve his old Everest from storage in Evergreen despite the odds. Once they were ready, they began the final push into Evergreen. They watched as the HUC forces punched a hole in the outer defenses, allowing the Lancers to enter the city. Once inside, Evergreen's militia forces commanded by Brava allowed the Lancers to quickly travel to the Cold Storage facility. There, they battled with exterior forces before fighting machine-copies of their own mechs.   Finally, they stood just outside of Patience's cold storage and a final battle with Beggar One.

Rewards Granted

  • License Level 3
  • License Level 4
  • SSC Swallowtail (Ranger Variant)

Missions/Quests Completed

Mission 1: Bug-Hunt


Mission 2: Vigilant Gaze


Mission 3: Floodgate


Mission 4: Rallying Cry


Current Mission

Mission 5: Split-Knuckle Haymaker

Report Date
06 May 2023
Primary Location


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