
Utopian people of the Core

The Collective Struggle for a Golden Age

The golden age, for a plurality of humans, is real, predicated on the work of generations of people struggling in collective action to win a better future. The lives of those on the utopian capital worlds of the Galactic Core is stable, safe, and without want. Union and its Third Committee are well-known and, administrative differences aside, welcome. The Galactic Core is not a specific region of space, but a decentralized network of worlds, all linked by close-proximity blink gates. These massive space Stations are the gatehouses to blinkspace, a space parallel to our own – realspace – that enables faster-than-light Interstellar travel. The Core is connected despite its geography, not because of it, and defined not by proximity but by development and access.

Life in the Utopian Capital Worlds of the Galactic Core

The people of capital worlds, called Metropolitans, flow through blinkspace in a constant stream, stepping from one world to the next, trading in culture, art, science, faith, theory, goods, sport, and friendship. Metropolitan humanity expresses itself with an infinite diversity of faiths, cultural practices, genders, and social structures. On capital worlds, people create art, shape the land, build glittering cities, and construct great works of engineering. They write, they cook, they drink, they play sports, they journey, and they wander. This arm of the galaxy is populated by a roiling, surging mass of people – often contradictory, often myopic, but ever-learning, ever-growing.


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