The Interstellar

ThirdComm’s founding coalition, the Interstellar is both the largest coalition in CentComm and representative of the political ideology of most Metropolitans. In the nearly five centuries since the Third Committee’s foundation, the Interstellar has remained largely consistent in its adherence to the spirit of the Utopian Pillars – if not always their word. Under the Interstellar’s majority leadership, Union has course-corrected away from SecComm’s imperial practices and toward a more hands-off approach to galactic affairs. The galaxy has once again become a polyglot, Cosmopolitan network of thousands of worlds under Union’s hegemony – though some would call it empire with kid gloves, instead of jackboots. While peace (mostly) reigns as a result of the Interstellar’s stewardship, complaints assail the moderate–left party from both flanks: to the radicals of The New Solidarity Coalition, the Interstellar has made too many concessions to the right wing; to the Fourth Column and New Humanity Front factions, the Interstellar’s grip on galactic affairs is at once totalitarian, at once feeble. Regardless, membership in the Interstellar remains steady, and it comfortably commands 35 percent of CentComm representatives, with a vast and diverse constituency.


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