Union Bureau of Colonial Administration

The Bureau of Colonial Administration is responsible for granting and maintaining colonial licenses as well as overseeing a range of other territorial matters. It sets colonial priority zones, manages private charter licensing, and is the first court for colonial disputes.   The BCA was once a subordinate office of the Union Colonial Mission (UCM), before ThirdComm broke the UCM into three different entities: the DoJ/HR, the UAD, and the BCA. Accordingly, the size of the bureau has increased while its mission scope has narrowed to managing new colonial charters, private and public.   With the increasing largesse granted to the UEB and the corpro-states it oversees, the BCA has become the primary body for granting colonial charters and self-determination rights to corpro-flagged colonial missions.   In contrast to the UAD, the BCA maintains a portfolio of worlds that have no native or indigenous sapient populations; in cases of recontact, BCA flags the world for review by the UAD and DoJ/HR, then issues a blanket moratorium on colonial charters, assuming the indigenous human population has first, total, and perpetual rights to their world.


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