The Consortium

The Consortium and the Coriolis Station are one – so closely tied together that most people in the Horizon can’t tell them apart. Coriolis was constructed using materials from the dismantling of the Zenith, on the orders of the Yriedes family, the seconds in command. The Yriedeses had a vision that became the Consortium’s motto: “Sell everything to everyone”. The Yriedes clan, together with the families Parr, Nestera and Evgeni founded the core group of companies that now, some sixty years later, have grown into one huge faction. The Consortium of today consists of about twenty larger companies, all owning installations and factories throughout the Horizon. Most production units are located on Kua or in the larger systems, but new colonies are established all the time. The larger corporations have representatives on the board of directors, the faction’s governing body, and the three largest ones – the Bulletin, the Foundation and the Colonial Agency – each have their own seat at the Council of Factions. The current faction director and council member is Tiera Yriedes, closely associated with the military industrial trinity Parr-Nestera, Tilides and Xoar, and a personal friend of Legion general Ekaterina Hierida. The new, aggressive policies promoted by Tiera have begun to escalate conflicts acrossthe Horizon. A storm is coming.  

Political Influence

The Consortium has a major presence on the Council of Factions on Coriolis station, using its economic clout to influence political decisions and policies. Known for its pragmatic approach, the Consortium often plays a key role in diplomatic negotiations, balancing between various factions' interests. The Consortium is seen as a champion of progress and modernization, often pushing for technological advancement and expansion. Despite its contributions, the Consortium faces criticism for its practices and perceived prioritization of profit over social and ethical considerations. This criticism sometimes comes from more traditional Firstcome factions and other groups concerned about cultural erosion and economic exploitation.   The Consortium's Role in the Horizon The Consortium's activities contribute significantly to the economic stability and growth of the Third Horizon. Its trade networks and business ventures are vital for many systems' prosperity. It's relations with other factions, including the Zenithian Hegemony, the Order of the Pariah, and various Firstcome groups, are complex, marked by a mix of cooperation, competition, and occasional conflict.
Head of Government
Subsidiary Organizations