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The Argora District

Argora - an oasis of opportunity, some say. Djachroum's sewer, others say. The only thing that is certain is that everyone who ends up here moves through the underworld of the Rimward Reach. All goods that are sold in the Reach must have passed through the Argora at some point, if not more than once. That makes Argora one of the most lucrative the places to have contacts in.   The Argora District is one of Djachroum's oldest, its history connected to the first arrivals to the station. It all supposedly started after the Akbar's passengers illegally requisitioned goods from ships they arrived on, partly for their own benefit but also to earn an extra buck from the people who were not satisfied with the cutters' rationing. The fact that the passengers of Holy Amesia and Volos placed goods in the deep tunnels between the space port and the Cave of the Hanging Bridges turned out to be a very lucrative idea. New arrivals to Djachroum showed great interest in goods that were not subject to import tax. In addition, on every convoy arriving at the station, a few less scrupulous people could be found who were happy to spend some birr on that little extra, that could not be found on the open market. Over time, the district has not only survived alongside Akbar's government, but also increased in scope and influence. Smuggling has expanded to levels far beyond extra rations and pleasures - to contraband and refined spiritual and physical pleasures. The simple traders who started it all later created their own board of directors, who manage and maximise financial returns. These directors - the Shadow Oligarchs - have been replaced over time, but economic gain has always been the key word.   Djachroum’s Black Pearls The Argora district consists of a row of caves that go off the main tunnel like a string of pearls. Most side tunnels lead to the Akbar's warehouse caves, but a small but not insignificant part make up the Argora. The empty shafts and caves have slowly developed into a claustrophobic district without artificial skies or weather. Old pipes run along roofs and walls together with electricity and power lines. The light is provided by loops along the walls in the more "well-to-do" neighbourhoods while the poor have to make do with occasional mining lamps and in some cases oil lamps, oil drums or torches. The tunnels are hot and humid, with temperatures around 35 degrees. Life support systems have been installed, but the environment is at best barely serviceable for a human habitat. Air, food, and water become often get contaminated by bacteria and toxins, as happened during the famine riots a few cycles ago when the Purple Guard had to forcibly intervene and beat down the riots. For the privileged, life is different: they live in the better functioning caves. Their miniature houses which squeeze in between cave floors and ceilings are often adorned with beautifully carved columns, pillars and images of the icons. The night basaar is in this part of the district and has received its aesthetic direction from none less than the famous icon painter Rhamina Rhavera.   The Shadow Oligarchs Despite the fact that Akbar and the Purple Guard do not enter Argora and despite the threat that they might, if peace is not kept here, Argora simmers with conflicts. The shadow oligarchy runs Argora and is said to have the last the word on all matters within the free market that exists here. The oligarchs are the invisible hands, squeezing the juice out of the work of all the inhabitants in the otherwise individualistic economy. At the same time, they are competing with each other, a level of competition that most consider beneficial to Argora. The sitting oligarchs have been sitting for a long time now, for too long. No one new has been appointed to it for several cycles and it is said that it is not competition that exists between them, but rather an agreed – and stale - ooperation. Voices are stirring that demand a change take place. Something is needed that stirs the pot.   Qasim Zahrawi The Akbar's old personal doctor Qasim Zahrawi has settled in Argora after a dispute with Djachroums ruler. It is said that the doctor knows something about the Akbar that is not intended for the public’s ears. Zahrawi has long lived in the finer districts of Argora and has not really done anything, just lived a good life - neither greedy nor stingy. The Akbar's hand has taken good care of this little bird - his assets never seem his own. Now, the terrible news has reached the old doctor that his family on Kua has almost been wiped out in a wild Sogoi attack. The old man, who already suffered from homesickness, is not allowed to leave Djachroum on the Akbar’s order, but is now becoming increasingly worried. The Akbar has asked the huge eunuch Umar Hafsun to accompany the doctor into his underground exile. He never leaves Zahrawi's side with the firm intention to ensure that the doctor never leaves the asteroid, not even Argora. At the same time Zahrawi and the eunuch have become good friends over the years. Just how strong is this friendship now, the doctor wonders.   Sanjay Gulabbhai A new star in Argora's dark corridors is Sanjay. No one in the Rimward Reach knows where he actually comes from, but the name suggests Algolean descent. He is secretive in his aims other than gaining more power, but he is still widely liked as he gives alms to each and every beggar and poor person in the district. With his own bodyguard called The Black Thorns - or in Algolean Haldarim Echra - who follow him like a shadow, it is hard to get close to this mysterious but superficially open and approachable man. Malicious tongues say that he is associated with the Syndicate - which would be a death sentence if proven. Usually, the Akbar requires no evidence, but so far these rumours have not spread outside Argora. Sanjay's only burden seems to be his obsession with the beautiful baria singer Sani Sowal, who has not smiled upon his invites so far. The day will come when he will not take a no anymore.   Fikret, the Fat The joker in Argora's internal politics is Fikret - an overwhelmingly fat man who spends his days in his own emporium at the night basaar. With his fat fingers in almost everyone's hummus bowls, Fikret has everything under control and is not reluctant to share his knowledge. This of course in exchange for reciprocal services. Soon, every ambitious person becomes bound to him through services and reciprocal services.   Comillia Nazrul The consortium's unofficial representative in Argora is the phlegmatic Comillia who thinks through everything she does and speaks in a soft slow voice, with a clear inflection from the upper layers of the Monolith – a quirk she acquired during her time as a diplomat at the Hegemony. For unknown reasons, the job did not go as planned and now she has been reassigned to the Rimward Reach, and not even in official capacity but as some kind of "secret" spy in the station's sewers. Not a day goes by when she does not complain to those around her about the inconceivable injustice that she should be responsible for fat-headed sewer rats. The shadow oligarchs tolerate her presence as it seems to bring in a few birr and contacts with the prospector clans.   Nooks and Crannies Argora's corridors are filled with dwellings, small shops and mansions of the shadow oligarchs. Here are some places you can come across in the halls.   The Wheel The gambling and opor den attracts a wide range of people from all over the asteroid. What they have in common is – somewhat obviously - their weakness for gambling, opor, or both. The Wheel is owned by Shevin Moussa, whose family has a history in just those areas. The establishment is not on the main drag for business deals between different traders, but rather the place where smugglers go after their work is done. One regular here Omhada Teragazi, the pragmatic smuggler / trader who lives by the motto "I do not take anyone’s side, because no one has ever taken on mine." Her reputation comes from making quick and lucrative trips on her ship Green Opal. She is a bit of an icon and folk hero in the district.   The Night Market In one of the large natural caves in the middle of the district, there is the so-called Night Basaar, which is the largest open market in the district. Everything between heaven and earth is bought and sold here. It is said that what you cannot find here does not exist in the entire Rimward Reach, which is probably not quite true, yet you can never be certain. New faces appear here all the time with goods to sell, a load looking for a new owner or with goods to be transported. This is Argora's buzzing heart and her pride. You can also find contraband that has not yet found a buyer. Deals are made between traders in shady consignments of larger magnitudes. Payment usually is made on the spot, sometimes for a star map showing the pick-up coordinates for the goods. This is an easy way to avoid getting big consignments through customs and past greedy Purple Guards. The famous nasar mogul Fikret the Fat holds court in the middle of the night market at Fikrets Emporiom. His minions run many small businesses around Argora. The Emporium is his shop front and façade. His fingers may be thick but reach far into all kinds of trade, not just around Argora but all over the Rimward Reach. It's also at the night basaar that most of Agora's canteens and coffin hotels can be found. Other well-known establishments are: Hazan's electrical, Malik's Emporium, Cylona's tools and others.   Bektar’s Care Centre In the cave system, there is something as incredible as a medlab. It is run by retired Miran doctor Bektar. Bektar, a true humanist, bears the heavy responsibility of overseeing the people who work on the less glamorous duties in Argora, living in constant artificial light in the darkest tunnels. Bektar's enterprise is fully funded from his own pocket and by some outside benefactors. The carer is highly regarded by the population in the district. His open medlab is having a tough time as an independent institution. Bektar is a skilled doctor (Medicine 4) but due to the bad conditions, his medlab is poorly equipped (+1 in Medicurgy). Bektar also has two assistants Nadja and Jasmine (Medicine 3).   Triary House Because Agora does not have its own militia and the Purple Guard does not come to the district, security is handled by private security forces. The Triari House has become the gathering place for these companies. Agents for each unit gather here to sell their protection to the highest bidder. Most often, security is contracted for whole “city” blocks, but smaller hires are possible as bodyguards, for example. A sign of status on the Horizon is the number of bodyguards a person surrounds themselves with and Argora is no exception. The largest unit for hire in Argora right now is the extensive Zeluba Brigade, but other names like the Crimson Tigers, X.E.R. and the Judge's tribute have begun to build a reputation through good protection and providing value for the money. If you want to register with one of the agents, it costs between 30-100 birr per segment, depending on the quality of the agent. The big companies do not stick with simple agents but have their own displays in well-decorated cave space where professional holograms show the company in action, along with tasteless slogans and annoying commercials.   Bulletin office "Come Again" “Everyone comes from somewhere and most people want to keep in touch with just this somewhere. ” That was the reasoning that Zader Mel gave when opening the courier office in Argora and his idea was not without merit. Many who earned their living in the district did indeed want to keep in touch with loved ones in other places. Since Zader had no financier behind him, he had to send the messages via the Bulletin-controlled probes from Karhal-7. As his clientele grew, the Bulletin raised message prices from Argora and the customer base rapidly shrank to a minimum. The company stood on the brink of bankruptcy. The Verzali brothers chose this moment to visit the office and offer help. With their crews they could offer safe messaging services to the inner Kuan system (and beyond) if they could get a patent to also “transport people from this somewhere” to be reunited with customers in the district wanted The deal turned out be lucrative and The Red Hyenas led by Verzali became a success story in Argora, until recently. Qu Verzali, the smuggling sultan, until very recently felt secure in his position as the most influential person in Argora, but has felt the wind of change blowing in his direction. It seems like the Brothers Verzali and their Red Hyenas have done something that threatens their prominent position in the Rimward Reach, news of which has of course rippled through the tunnels of Djachroum. In the Reach, nothing is permanent, least of all in Argora.   “City” blocks Those who do not own shops or other establishments usually live in what called the blocks. The blocks are carved caves of varying sizes such as rented out by the neighbourhood's various landlords or “pashas”. Pashas provide (their own) law and order through their hired companies or gangs. The apartment blocks are the areas in the district with the worst living standards. The equipment is old and run-down, especially the life support The food is usually substandard from a nutritional aspect and malnutrition is the rule rather than the exception.
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