Hroal Irontooth

Hroal was born the second son of the Irontooth pride on the planet of Khusai. When Hroal came of age and was seeking what all Aslan seek which is territory there was none to grab. While his older brother inherited their fathers lands he got none by the normal tradition of the Aslan. His options of course was a planet out of the Hierate system which means dealing with the conquering of the planet and its inhabits bending them to  the Aslan way or find another way of  getting the power and respect that his ancestral loins desire. Hroal while in his early teens had heard of the the legendary planet of Theev. to quench his need for power and prestige he sought the planet getting a crew of other second sons together and stealing one of his brother ships left the Aslan sector of the reach robbing and stealing from the Imperial fleets to survive for five years. In this process he started to build a fleet of ships.  His reputation in the Trojan Reach brought fear with the commercial fleets of the Third Imperium.  In Hroal eyes it is the Imperium that prevents him from getting the desired land he desires. So He chose the life of a pirate to gain the desired power and riches and make the Imperium pay for it. In the year 1085 of the 3I by human standards he found the legendary planet of Theev. Horal desires for power once he found the planet carried on moving up in the ranks in the purple and orange gang. Horal started to reorganize the power structure of the gang and forming a union with a former Imperial admiral Darokyn took over the leadership of the purple and orange gang becoming one of three warlords who currently run Theev in the year 1095 3I.

The Aslan Irontooth is the most conventional of the three warlords. He is in this for the loot. He left the Hierate in search of power, glory and wealth, but now misses home. He refuses to admit this to anyone, and sublimates his instinctive desire for territory into violence and savagery.

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Current Status
On Theev observing the crew of the Shenanigan's
Current Location
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1065 3I 41 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow fine fur.
Ruled Locations


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