
The K'kree of Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) are a race of large, centauroid, and non-humanoid hexapods. They are intensely social herd sophonts and are rarely found alone. They are militant and often aggressive herbivores with a disdain for all meat eaters. The K'kree developed the Jump Drive in -4142.   They aggressively oppose carnivorous and omnivorous species, and their communal, collective, and claustrophobic psychology is distinctive. They have a black and white morality that places most others in a "need to exterminate" category known as G'naak. In Human terms, one might characterize them as "violently militant vegetarians". An individual K'Kree is bound into a strict caste hierarchy by birth. Their society is dominated by males, with females in a subservient role at every social level.   The K'kree government is known as the Two Thousand Worlds and is a feudal Hegemony with strong autocratic properties


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