Oswald Smith

Oswald Smith

Oswald Smith born 1076 to upper middle class family. with great interest and natural talent in the construction and operation of robots his career was clear. he began university at the age of 18 and advance in his study graduating with honors, during his time he would be part of a political campaign which he helped lead. the campaign was a success in contributing more funds to a robotics division which lead to better versions of previously thought to be perfect robots. entering into the military and entering as a officer due to his high education. he was placed in charge of a small team of engineers on bord a cruiser. his time was well spent and he devolved him engineering skills much so much that he had gained favor with a upper officer who would put a word in for him and help him get promoted. during this he came into legal Issues that would lead to a court case over the potential sabotage of equipment that he had been using. He was placed into court with his job on the line, he sought a lawyer. he found a man named Cankili Valiana he agreed to take his case through some joint effort and Cankili's way with words ended with Oswald leaving a free man. his second term in his job would be just as the first however his team was larger and more familiar with one another.

Oswald smith born star date 1072, born to a middle class family he found a interest in robots and drone uses as a student he worked on programming drones, at 22 he would enter the navy as a gunner engineer and leave at 34.

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the day was rough woke up to the sound of machinery the the humming and bussing of medical equipment and when I look down to find my ark severed. it was fascinating to watch the metal arm bend and work similar to my original arm. guess this is the price for letting yourself get shot. next time I should make better fortifications, could have saved my life back their. might look into being quieter while I'm working in the field. I'm looking at my account looks like we got cash for the cargo we took from the ship that was ravaged by "the shadow". I think I'll look into making a small land drone with a small gun for some small fire support and scouting.


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