Agiahluhi Ethnicity in The Thirteen Realms | World Anvil


Ancient Elven for "crossroads people", the name given to demons that settled in the central region of the Elven Realm and their desendants.   Demon king Kilesti was one of the Seven False Demon Kings - a group of rulers from the Fractured Realm Era that did not wish to united under Lavven's banner but not believe they could beat the man after he recieved the Greater Blessing of Ascension. They and others chose to establish new kingdoms in the Human Realm in what would come to be known as The First Great Invasion.     Like their fellow kings, Kilesti found the process of establishing a kingdom in the Human Realm fairly easy - demons are stronger, tougher, and more experienced fighters than the majority of humans, including their larger physical size. Seiging and overtaking a kingdom, as is the traditional way of establishing a kingdom in the Demon Realm, was not an issue. However, also like their brethern, Kilesti struggled with successfully running a human kingdom.    Demon kingdoms did not expand beyond a single city - as their hostile landscape made it impossible to manage much more. Demons also did not have an industry for agriculture, nor animal husbandry, and their system of trade was not so well established. Kilesti was also unaccustomed to having borders to manage - especially the difficult to define borders of fuedal human kingdoms. Like the other False Kings, Kilesti took on human aides and advisors - fortunate that several such individuals from the previous regime had not fallen during their take over.    However, as Kilesti began to understand how to properly rule their new domain, new problems arose - the humans summoned their first Champion, and Lavven had defeated one of their peers in a dual to force them to return to the Demon Realm. Still too proud to be ruled over by a man they did not respect, and realizing as more of the other kings fell they would not be able to win against the Champion, Kilesti and their people once again fled to a new realm - the Elven Realm.     However, Kilesti did not find establishing a kindgom here to be so easy - the dense magika in the Elven Realm weakened the demons, making them more vulnerable to the powerful and plentiful magicians of the realm. Their reputation here was already one of villains - as human refugees from the Invasion had found homes long before them.    When his people - which now included both demons and humans - found themselves cornered by elven forces, Kilesti finally swallowed their pride and begged to be spared. Taking pity on them, the elves agreed - and bid them to settle in the Crossroads region, if they were determined to establish themselves. Knowing only death and defeat awaited in the Human Realm, and humiliation at twice having failed in the Demon Realm if they could even reach it, Kilesti agreed.    The central, or Crossroads, region of the Elven Realm laid unclaimed for good reason - it was harsh mountainous territory difficult to survive in, even for those with magic. Kilesti, however, had an advantage - the grit of growing up in a region often actively hostile to its inhabitants, the experience of learning to adapt their leadership, and human ingenuity. Combining these aspects, Kilesti and their people carved out a city within the mountains, and made their first priority established trade routes linking the Four Quadrants directly - quickly gaining traction as a centralized trading hub in the region.    While many demons from the initial settlement chose to make the Crossroads their new home, many others wished to return to the Demon Realm. Many initially though to simply wait a few centuries for the fighting to settle, but the newly established Empire stood in their way before the Veden Gate was created, and the chances of success decreased as the Empire grew in strength and later took control of the Elven Realm Gate. To this day, many of their descendants still express a desire to return, even though they have never seen the Demon Realm for themselves, or simply a desire to see the home of their ancestors.


Major language groups and dialects

Given demons live roughly three times as long as elves, the primary language of the Agiahluhi could best be described as a creole of Demonae and Ancient Elven - as at that time period what is now known as Ancient Elven was a common trade language for being the origin of many other elven languages. This creole, known as Rhuga'hi (shortened "crossroads tongue"), is the current trade language of the Elven Realm.

Culture and cultural heritage

While most of the initial settlers were traditional demons (along with a small group of humans), only a small portion of the population are traditional demons in the modern age. Most are arcane demons or ogres, with even a small population of inspired demons and kindred. Regardless of actual species, most still consider themselves culturally to be demons, rather than elves.    And they do still participate in many of the same cultural practies as demons - having debate halls, poetry battles, and a fighting arena. However, due to elven influence, magic is much more common amongst them, and more widely used. As such, they also have a higher regard for libraries and academic pursuits than those living in the Demon Realm - though they treat the practice more competitively than their elven neighbors.

Shared customary codes and values

While the Agiahluhi value physical strength like their demon ancestors, the experiences of their people have led them to value adaptibility and perserverence more.

Common Dress code

Given the cold region of their home, the Agiahluhi primarily wear furs - but from their thick demon skin and cultural roots, they are rarely full body coverings unless one intends to spend significant time outside of the city.

Foods & Cuisine

Mushrooms are a staple of Agiahluhi cuisine, being farmed within caves on the mountain. Fish from underground waterways are also popular, as little grows or surivies on the surfrace of their mountain home. One of their early agricultural intiatives was to develop more crops able to grow underground, and they were successful with rice and yams - most of their other produce and meat being imported from other areas.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Like their demon ancestors, the Agiahluhi cremate their dead - and also like their ancestors, this is primarily the most practical funerary rite.

Historical figures


  The demon king that brought the first settlers from the Demon Realm and later to the Elven Realm, settling what would come to be known as the Crossroads Kingdom. Despite their own percieved failures, Kilesti is considered worthy of respect and praise by modern day Agiahluhi for choosing their people over their pride when it counted most.
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