Kiln Nester
A demonic bird that lives in the grasslands of the Demon Realm.
Basic Information
A thin, long-legged bird with a hog-nosed snake head. They have feathered crests and snake-like tails. They have a potent venom that inhibits motor function.
Genetics and Reproduction
Nesters reproduce via egg laying, with gestation lasting nine months.
Growth Rate & Stages
Nesters reach adult size at six years, and sexual maturity at twelve years.
Ecology and Habitats
Nesters live in open grasslands.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Nesters are omnivores, primarily insectivores and small animals.
Nesters enjoy warm locations - they were named for having a habit of being found hiding in early kilns.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Nesters live in loose colonies, forming systems of underground dens.
There are domesticated nesters kept as pets, which have been bred to no longer have venom and to have more colorful feather patterns.
There is a second variety of nesters kept for medicinal purposes, which are less aggressive than their wild counterparts but otherwise indistinguishable. With the advent of animal husbandry, there are also small breweries that breed medicinal nesters for commercial purposes.
There is a second variety of nesters kept for medicinal purposes, which are less aggressive than their wild counterparts but otherwise indistinguishable. With the advent of animal husbandry, there are also small breweries that breed medicinal nesters for commercial purposes.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Nester venom is distilled into both anesthesia and potent alcohol.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Nesters have excellent sight and acute hearing.
90 years
Average Height