
The demon Deity of Death.

Divine Domains

  • Death

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nosu and Vouscu decided one day they wished to have a child. However, they lacked the desire to directly combine their energies as other deities did in order to create a child.    Instead, they carefully crafted a glass vessel to pour their energies into - allowing them to mix indrectly. This vessel took on a proper form, and became the new deity Naosuli.    Naosuli found they enjoyed playing with the Skyriver Lighteels that answered to Nosu - as Naosuli's inner light was something much akin to the rainbow bodies of the eels. It was during arace that Naosuli noticed some of the eels carrying the souls of the dead on their backs - Nosu had instructed them to protect the souls and take them to the Ghost Realm so they could enjoy the afterlife... but here they were, racing against a young deity instead.     Naosuli scolded the eels for this, and spoke with the lost souls as she guided them to their proper rest. Born later, she had never visited the mortal realm of demons - but she was at once intrigued by the stories of the dead. She found herself spending more and more time escorting the eels carrying souls - even after they stopped getting distracted.    Naosuli learned many things from the dead - sorrow and anger, joy and fulfillment, all through the lense of mortailty. He only realized he'd become the Deity of Death upon entering the Ghost Realm himself - as only deities whose mush greater souls matched the energy of the dead could enter that Realm without harming the fragile mortal souls within. When he went to his parents in excitement over finding his domain, they instead suggested he speak with his wiezas, Maenscul  For while Nosu and Vouscu were proud of their child, they knew little of mortality.    As the deity that crafted demonkind, Maenscul was far more familiar with them - and their mortailty. While they were distant from their creations, they were able to appreciate and make sense of Naosuli's stories in a way the death deity's parents simply could not. Naosuli had also found cer wiezas distant - but now they were able to form a bond over their shared understanding.    Naosuli continues to walk alongside the lighteels as they transport the dead, and has come to be seen as a comforting presence - a gentle ear to hear the last stories of the dead before they join the afterlife.




Towards Naosuli




Towards Vasculas


Divine Classification
Vasculas (sister)
waterfall-like tail of rainbow colors
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
translucent glass-like skin with liquid rainbow light beneath
Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.


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