A demonic beast that travels the grasslands of the Demon Realm.
Basic Information
A quadrupedal mammal with digitigrade front paws and unguligrade back hooves. They have two long fangs that poke out from under their top lip and long furry tails.
Biological Traits
Male saberhounds have longer fangs than females, and additionally have small backwards facing horns.
Genetics and Reproduction
Saberhounds reproduce sexually, with gestation lasting around one year.
Growth Rate & Stages
Saberhounds reach adult size by three years, and sexual maturity at fifteen years.
Ecology and Habitats
Saberhounds live in the grasslands, digging shallow dens for themselves. They typically den near copses of trees for feeding.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Saberhounds are omnivores, their primary source of food being tree bark and grass. When this is scarce, they turn to other food sources such as insects and small animals.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Saberhounds live in small packs, typically consisting of a few family groups. Larger packs are usually unsustainable due to the relative scarcity of their main food source.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Saberhounds have excellent hearing and an acute sense of smell.
100 years
Average Height
Average Length