The Caesulan's Mercy

Where Mortalkind was spared.

According to the archives in the city of the Ordained. When mortals still roamed upon the land, the Caesulan Gods lived among them. In temples and simple homes alike, the immortal beings assimilated with those ancient civilisations and found a fondness for them forming in their hearts. They taught them how to rear animals, forge metals and even blessed those they deemed worthy with fractions of their power.
  When it came to the time of the first invasion, when the Abyssal's and their Gods first clawed through the earth, the Caesulan's decided to take pity on mortalkind. Cae'Farrar, the God of strength and smithing, struck with his mighty hammer, shattering the land into millions of pieces. Afterwards, the God of the wind and the skies, Cae'Ventun, used her power to surge those islands into the air and stabalised them where the abyssals could not reach, thus creating Tersulum. And finally, Cae'Alitius, the goddess of nature, blessed the now-floating lands with fertility and growth, allowing life to flourish and sustain its new climate.
  It is said that to provide this miracle, Cae'Farrar, Cae'Ventum and Cae'Alitius suffered great wounds due their late departure to Caesula. However, after millennia pass, the memory of mortal's minds fail: facts become stories, stories become myths and myths are forgotten. The records in the city of the Ordained are the last remaining promises of this old tale, and within circles of scholars the veracity of history is hotly debated. Some say that to this day, the three Caesulan's injuries remain while their resentment of mortalkind's forgetfullness grows.