The Eras of the World


The gods walked the earth one time, they shaped the world, and created beautiful waterfalls and rivers which glowed with light which lasted for thrice a dozen thousand year as the Years of the Waterfalls (YW). At least, until one of them tried to capture the light-water to form a creation of their own, and hid as much as he could deep in the earth. Eventually the people of the world cried out for they had no light and could not live in the dark. Thus the creators awoke the Dwarves to to Sing to the stone and open the world to the capture light water. Unfortunately then the Needless Crafter gave humanity, the first-awoken people, a glass vase which would hold all the colors of the light-water, all they had to was dip it in the light-water.   The humans did so, but unbeknownst to the Needless Crafter, they drank the water when they were thirsty, thus turning the blood in their veins into vibrant colors and light, granting them unique strengths. They sailed across the prismatic sea and drained it of its light until they reached a new lands where they reigned like gods themselves.   It would take another set of two thrice-thousand years, until the Dwarves sang a great song to the creator gods, lamenting that the light they had was beginning to fade as they were forced to drink it, for there were lake or rivers that did not flow with light, and the world was beginning to dim. Thus with a great united song, the Dwarves called upon the creators. The creators answered their plight by taking the remaining water and turning it into a gemstone which contained a spot for all the glittering light of the world, and they put it in the sky, naming it The Songstone. Here in the sky the Songstone absorbed the light of the world across it and reflected it back to where light was imbalanced. To fix the problem of there not being any non-light water, the creators strung the sea to the Songstone, so that as the Songstone moved it would pull the ocean up shore or relax into its natural place, thus tiny bits of water might get trapped inland, forming lakes and seas, some would dry out and go into the sky where having no home they would fall down to the earth again in the form of rain. And so the Age of the Songstone was born (YSo).   Yet the light-veined humans felt the power waning whenever in the prescence of the Songstone and delved deep in their veins and created a plan. Some wanted to crack the Songstone as that would limit the amount of light it could hold, but others saw that as defying the will the very gods which gave them their great strength. These two groups would come to be known as the Prismatics who desire total domination of the light, and the Light-veined who were content in reducing their power if it was for the good the creators had decided. The Light-veined fled the Prismatic lands as they were now significantly weaker, and conquered the Dwarves and the land of the Songstone in flight from the Prismatics. Many Light-veined mixed with the Dwarves and became friendly. Others stayed seperate in reverence of the gods who had granted them their light and let them keep their light in exchange for becoming mortally short-lived.   Eventually a cult of knowledge proclaimed to be able to create the light-water without the gods, and started influencing the people of the Songstone. This cult would bring many into a dark fold which the gods watched keenly to see their paths. It would end in the light-vein lords capturing the market on diamonds and preventing the cult from abusing the magic stored within each diamond to create light, as remants of the Songstone when it lifted into the sky.   Tens of centuries later the relics of the Cult of Prisma would return in the aegis of great sorcerors who drew the magical power out of the light-veined. The realm of the Songstone settled this matter by crushing them with great armies adorned in jewels forged by the dwarves, a glittering raiment like an army of gods walking the earth. The Wizards found themselves unable to absord all of the magic, and their lives were thrown into a danger, until the Dwarves gave them a choice, allow the dwarves to chisel out the blinding part of their life and inexchange to live peacefully throught their lives. Thus in a great flash the wizards were reduced, and sent to live in peace in and idyllic land. Those who survived with their magic still around agreed to be bound by the light of Songstone to forever aid the Diamond Crown, held by the Monarch of the Songstone.   Many centuries later, when peace was reigning, the Prismatics began to disrupt light across the world, and with a great host they crossed the Sleeping Sea and laid siege to the Songstone Kingdom, for hundreds of years the people of the Songstone were driven back, mercilessly fighting. That is until the Humans refused to aid the Dwarves and they were forced to sing a second great song and cracked the Songstone themselves, creating a mote of pure light within the sky that would burn those with too much light within them, and thus Prismatics were forced to retreat into the darkest bowels of the earth where no light could ever reach them.   After the Third Song of Stone, the dwarves reclaimed their ancient crown jewels and forbid any light-veined from ever stepping foot in their halls. Some of the Light-veined returned to their home to resume ruling their lands, but others left back across the Sleeping Sea to return to their original homeland now that the Prismatics were gone. These folk built a few great cities of unimagineable beauty by harnessing the vagrant lights which danced across the land of the Prismatics, they become known as the Light-weavers, or elves.   At the end of the war, the Dwarves dubbed this new era as the Age of the Soul-Stone (YSl), as the world no longer relied just on the Songstone.   It would be a few hundred centuries later that the light elves had made a few permanent settlements on the shores of the Songstone, and at this point most residents of the Songstone Realm would consider them to be uniquely powerful and vibrant beings.
Date of First Recording
Year 1000 YSl
Date of Setting
Beginning at least 86000 years ago