The Past Years

3 years ago, King Aeratil arose to the throne of Glimmershine and the Songlands following a rebellion of petty nobility known as the Rebellion of Twilight (Ranfinrimmit) where many human petty nobles rebelled against their Light-Veined rulers. Their claims of the Light-Veined being out of touch, lazy, and mismanaging the realm in favor of duels and passions swayed many to their cause, and the realm was embroiled in a war stretching from the north to the south. In this war the ruling family of Glimmershine went out onto the field of war and met the Petty Nobles in combat, displaying the might of the Golden Tiger against said dwindled humans, a massacre ensued.   The only petty noble houses which remained are those who sided with the Light-Veined, the rest were sent to the top of the Golden Mountain and sundered by the Soulstone. However, a few months after peace reigned, the realm was cast into turmoil as a serpent from the north was spotted, and the very same day, the royal family was slain in their very own castle. Dark was that day when the shining beacon of Glimmershine was smothered in treachery and deceit.   Out of the chaos emerged King Aeratil, a Light-Veined whose blood shone with enough passion to blind, to avenge the royal family that he commanded the King's Guard to arrest every citizen of Glimmershine, in what was scribed as the Trials of Fury.   Every citizen of Glimmershine saw the keep flash with light as the new King handed down judgement upon many humans and Light-Veined without care to house or lineage. Some nights, the Songstone lit Crimson from the wrath of King Aeratil rather than the normal cool blue of the sea.   Little is known outside the walls of the keep about what happened to those who defended themselves from the wrath of the Crimson King. But many Light-Veined were seen destitute and begging in the streets aftewards, with their businesses being completely fined to destruction.   The streets whispered with who would be released from the dungeons and who would never return, whose lives would be destroyed and whose would be raised from beggary into nobility.   To this day, the realm teeters on a knife's edge yet the city on the hill keeps shining along. Seemingly following the lead of King Aeratil , the lords of the realm have been reported in cracking down on any resistance with their personal retinues.   Just a little over a year ago however, the Voice of the King lead the King's Guard in raiding a ship filled with documents and spies, implicating the late Head of the King's Guard, the late Grand Stone Singer, and the late Keeper of Whispers, indicating that the Twilight Rebellion was still in the mind of many people. Needless to say, they were executed.   A month later, and an attempt to assassinate King Aeratïl took place duringa hunt in the Lightwood. By pure happenstance, a servant of a petty noble was nearby, writing the days records, when he heard the arrow loose and jumped in front of the King, taking an arrow to their leg. For their bravery and loyalty they were raised into being the Head of Servants for the King.   In the meantime, in an effort to rebuild the faith of the populace, The Archon of Treasure has commissioned a great temple for which all can bathe in the light of the world, regardless of their veins.