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Cathedrani Keep

The Cathedrani Keep is the historical home of the von Carstein family. The keep is currently headed by Lord Nazkin and Lady Kizu von Carstein. Cathedral Keep many natural defenses leaving only one direct path to the keep. These defenses coupled with renowned Carstein family tacticians have kept the Cathedrani Keep unconquered since its construction.   It is suspected that the true power of Cathedrania rests hidden in Cathedrani Keep, regardless of who holds power in Salzinwvn.   The keep carries a small farm area to keep its denizens fed, and one of its largest points of trade is its access to the ores and stones of the Thanatos mountain range. The keep has long used its ore and money to trade for the food its lands poorly produce.

Purpose / Function

This keep is intended to house and keep safe the members of the von Carstein family and the citizens that are under their protection who wish peace with the rest of the world or at the very least to be hidden.


Due to its age, many alterations to keep the fort "modern" have been made. Both in the terms of design and in terms of defense.


This carries a sort gothic castlevania architecture to the keep itself and the interior is the same with more lavish furnishing due to decades of saving


The keep itself carries many mages as well as siege weapons at the top of the keep walls in order to keep out or deter any forces from carrying out a full frontal assault.


The Keep was given to the von Carstein family centuries ago after Vlad von Carstein's contributions so long ago. Since then the keep was built in order to keep negotiations with the von Carsteins but over the centuries it was forgotten as the family isolated themselves further and further from society as more were persecuted. Eventually all records of its location was stricken from public records in order to keep their safety.   Only once was the keep set upon, during Revan's reign those who would try to bring his family down and force his forces to retreat attempted to take it down, however Revan did not retreat back to the keep, deciding instead on pushing forward in order to not spread his Revanites thin. Yet the forces their were able to at the least use the Keep's natural defenses to cause a battle of attrition and deter the invaders away.


Most friendly citizens frequent the keep as it is a safe haven for them, as well as others of the 'demi-monster' races in order to accept trade at the least with those seeking refuge from the harshness of the more humanoid realm.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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