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Grog Alestorm

Grog Alestorm

Have you ever wondered what a Bard would do were he given the freedom to truly be as chaotic as possible? To gain every story imaginable with no concern for the consequences? Well if you're looking for that, let me introduce you to myself. I am Grog Alestorm, Master Paragon Bard of Neverwinter and lover all things interesting, hater of all things boring. Throw away Mundaneness and embrace the chaotic or interesting nature that we all have.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Long flowing hair, though lately it seems less so than usual. Bright colors

Special abilities

The ability to stealth his entire team by being more obvious than others. Crowd Controlling his enemies while assisting his allies. And inspiring his brothers in arms. Some say Grog has a very unique ability to coax the best and worst out of people, or as he likes to call it, their most interesting selves. This has led to greatness and ruin of others, but an interesting story to tell for the bard later.

Apparel & Accessories

Find the brightest pastels in the universe, combine them with loud bright colors, or look for the biggest eyesore on the field, and theirs a 98% chance that's Grog Alestorm. Likes Pink, Brightest Blue, and Neon Green. If it attracts attention he will wear it. Currently sporting Ankle Bells for extra "Bardic Stealth"

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

The failure to lead his part of the forces for The War of Woetan. As the Sin of Envy, he could not make it to battle and fears his abscence is what had the Seraphim win that day.

The Chaotically Handsome Bard! Half-Dwarf(?) His purpose is to find the potential in all living creatures, whether good or evil, and have them create a story worth writing, so he may tell those tales to others.

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Date of Birth
Tall for a Dwarf

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