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The Legend of Grog Alestorm’s Missing Arm

Once upon a time during a local Mid-reign, the Handsome Bard known as Grog Alestorm was welcoming others and having a merry ol time, until suddenly he was ambushed and subdued by a gang of ruffians. Upon his subdual, the bard was teleported to a castle with some unknown “Queen” residing inside of it. The memory of the bard was altered but afterward he had been teleported back to the celebration, with the exception of one minor detail. His left arm was missing.     Of course, first thing the bard had done was track down a local healer to fix said issue. Bards lose arms all of the time, so he felt it was necessary to fix it. The healer could not. He then sought out a fair druid with a skill high enough to cast Regeneration. Though it took a moment, and some quick studying, the Druid memorized the spell and casted it on the Fair and Eloquent Bard. And alas his arm had returned…but it was not his. No it was a cursed arm, one he could not control fully of his own will. And not a curse one that could be removed so easily by a Healer. However there was good news. This curse, gave Grog strength, though he had arm, he was protected and strengthened by the fake one on him. Thus the bard did what was logical. He severed his fake arm, Destroying this curses protections, and weakening himself greatly… or so some would think. No it was not the case.   There are times in this world when a minor action could lead to great travesty. Normally Grog was the kindest soul in the world, and one who could be merry and loving to all around him. But this was not the Grog that had emerged from this incident. No the one armed Grog was surrounded by a great fury and power no curse could replicate, this was no enchantment nor ability of extraordinary prowess. This was power of his own will and anger. The men who had taken his arm hid behind a gated wall and while Grog saw his allies seek the walls demise with a large ram, he took it upon himself to avenge his missing limb. The first thing he saw was a Barbarian who crazed at him and immediately Grog stunned him and in his kindest voice asked. “Where is my arm?” And when he received no reliable answer, he seized the stunned Barbarians arm and asked again. It seemed the Barbarian did not know, and thus, was killed by Grog….   Grog Alestorm continued this process on Three more enemies until he ran out of stuns… Then he continued to kill the assaulters, dodging nearly every attack in the process. He had garnered so much attention that the ram had penetrated the gate but Grog had no care for such an attack. He only sought his arm, and even in that weakened state, he rampaged through their ranks. It is said to be one of the attacks to help garner his title of Master (now Paragon) Bard.   But his assault did not end there, no finally he saw a clue. The arm was in the Barony of Twilight Moon, guarded by a Lich and his assailants. So Grog crusaded with his allies to the location. Upon arrival they were to seek the Lichs phylactery and destroy the lich. Again, Grog had no care for this business. He only had one mission, thus he shouted. “To those who give me my arm, I will ally myself with no remorse, but if I find it is there and you keep it from me, my fury will smite you to the deepest level of hells and further!” None of those he shouted at gave a response but one, saying “I know where it is.” Grog brought a few of his men and saw that it was true.   Grog smiled to the assailants and motioned to his closest friends to move with him, seeing the enemy have a few allies as well. “Thank you for showing me where it is friend… My comrades…” he turned to those friends of his smiling softly. “Kill them all.” As an enemy swung at the bard, his armor blocked the strike and the bards blade cut him in twine. The others fell soon after, executed with no mercy and the bard finally saw what he was seeking, his missing limb. He gazed at his arm with excitement and joy, and then looked at his local wizard and demanded it be burned, so that it could not be used against him again. Thus it was, and the bards arm was regenerated and healed back into its proper place. Curse lifted and all.   The lich escaped at some point to continue its pursuit of darkness and destruction, but such a minor detail was irrelevant. The bard was whole and merry again, and he continued to smile and sing of the nature of this story and many others to this day. Thus the story goes.


Long ago, the bard Grog was set upon a curse, one in where his arm was taken from him and in its place was to be grown a cursed arm that would craze Grog in battle. A quest then was given to find his real long lost arm, carried by the Barony of Twilight Moon, guarded by a Lich there who had cursed him.   With allies helping Grog they invaded the Lich’s domain and after a long battle they finally obtained back his arm, destroying the Lich’s keep and mercilessly destroying the undead’s allies after this. However while the curse may be lifted from Grog, the Lich who did it escaped and still lives on.
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