Creeping Irontwist Species in The Tilted Spire | World Anvil
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Creeping Irontwist

Found only in The Blasted Wastes, Creeping Irontwist is named for its unusually hardy stolons that frequently incorporate iron and synth that it draws up from the soil. It grows along the ground, with long stolons that radiate out from a central taproot. A single plant is quite sparse, spreading its foliage out across an area several metres in diameter. Spaced roughly a foot apart, metallic flowers grow from the stolons, each with a multi-hued iridescent sheen. The stolons spider outwards, splitting every one or two metres into multiples that continue to extend outwards. The stolons often have a razor edge, making them difficult to handle safely and seem to sway slightly even when there is no breeze.

Travellers in the wastes frequently harvest Creeping Irontwist, as within the central taproot they can often find metal, synth and occasionally cyphers or iotum. This makes the plant a rich source of materials for Wrights and other builders. The foliage is less useful, as while it is quite sturdy, it is also too sharp to easily handle. Some travellers have developed a special technique for weaving the vines together that ensures that the sharpness can be dulled in order to create a strong and quite serviceable rope.

However, those who would harvest Creeping Irontwist must be cautious, as the plant itself is quite capable of using its vines to ensnare unwary travellers. Its razor sharp appendages are somewhat mobile and, while too slow to catch anyone who is wise to the plants abilities has been the death of many travellers who did not understand what they were dealing with. Those who it does claim are slowly pulled towards the centre, and their remains are sometimes found when a taproot is extracted from the ground by explorers who have come to mine it.


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Aug 4, 2023 20:42 by Deleyna Marr

Creepy and scary! Absolutely delightful.
