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The Blasted Wastes

Nestled in amongst the Rivenspine Mountains, the Blasted Wastes are a desolate, devastated landscape. The soil is brown and lifeless and frequently mixed with ash, ground up synth and metal fragments and in some places takes on an unusual blue and purple hue that resembles oxidized metal. Occasional larger pieces of wreckage also dot the landscape, standing in mute testament to some massive conflict that took place here long ago.

Very few things grow here, Creeping Irontwist being the most common plant (and a somewhat dangerous one). No animal life has been observed but it is common to hear a discordant howling while travelling through the landscape. Travellers also learn to beware of even apparently minor things, as even what looks like a simple cloud of dust can contain fragments or material sharp enough to main or kill.

At the centre of the wastes lies an immense crater, the ground of which is covered in a thick dark multi-hued glassy rock. The unusual howling often gets closer as people approach and from the edge of the crater often strange flashes and apparitions can be seen. No one who has ventured deeper into the crater has ever returned to describe what they saw.

While no-one lays any claim to the wastes (indeed, it would be impossible to establish any kind of permanent presence here), the Malkine League frequently leads expeditions to explore the larger wreckage in the hopes of finding worthwhile numenera. These expeditions are typically fairly small, with one League Explorer leading the expedition, followed by four to five guards and two to three Gleam Dredgers who do the actual exploration.



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