Brian Banner

Dr Brian David Banner

Brian Banner was the father of Bruce Banner.

Brian was physically and verbally abusive to his wife and son. When Bruce was a child, Brian killed Bruce's mother in front of him in a fit of rage after she tried to leave him.

He was convicted of murder, and died while serving a life sentence at the Ohio Sate Penitentiary.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Brian Banner and his sisters, Susan and Elaine, were physically and emotionally abused by their father. After leaving home to attend colleage, he severed contact with his family, and vowed to himself that he would never have children of his own, as he believed he had inherited whatever made his father into a monster.

In college, Brian met Rebecca, and the two began a reliationship, eventually marrying during the last year of Brian's doctoral studies.

He graduated colleage with a PhD in physics, and took a job in New Mexico, working for a government-funded research project trying to develop a cleaner form of nuclear energy. The stress of his job, combined with existing mental health problem, led to Brian becoming an alcoholic. While drunk on the job one day, Brian overloadedone of the systems, causing an explosion which could potentially have been devasting. Although the damage was fortunately minimal, and no members of staff were injured, Brian was fired from the job.

Refusing to accept that he would not get another such prestidguous job after the accident, Brian refused to look for other work. While unemployed, his alcoholism and mental health worsened, and he became increasingly paranoid. Although multiple doctors assured him that the explosion had caused him no harm, he became convinced that he he had been exposed to radiation, and that this was the cause of his worsening mental health.

Despite his vow to never have children, Rebecca became pregnant with their only child, Bruce. From almost the moment of birth, Brian's delusions about radiation sickness, and his childhood belief that there was something inherently monstrous in their family line, coalesced into a conviction that there was something wrong with his son. Rebecca did what she could to shield her son, but this angered Brian, who became increasingly abusive towards her, first verbally and later physically and sexually.

Despite the verbal abuse and neglect his mother was unable to shield him from, Bruce proved exceptionally intelligent. Brian decided that this was a sign that his son was in some way unnatural, using that as an excuse to subject his son to horrific physical abuse.

After a particularly brutal attack when Bruce was seven years ago, Rebecca decided to try to leave. Unfortunately, Brian came home unexpectedly as she was packing the car. Brian attacked his wife, and in the beating that followed, killed her.

In order to cover up what he had done, Brian called an ambulance, telling them she had fallen down the stairs. Bruce, terrified of what would happen to him if he told the truth, corroborated his father's story, and although it came to trial, Brian was acquitted due to lack of evidence. However, several months later, he boasted about the attack while drinking in the local bar.

The barman reported this to the police and the case was re-opened. Although Bruce this time admitted the full truth to the police, the officers questionning him became increasingly concerned about his mental state during the interviews, and he was not asked to testify in court. After examination by a psychologist, Bruce was admitted to a in-patient psychiatric facility for treatment.

Brian's lawyer attempted a defence of criminal insanity, but he was judged to be fully in control of his actions and was found guilty murder. Although potentially eligable for parole after fifteen years served, his parole applications were rejected on the basis that he showed no remorse.

He died in prison of liver failure in 2002. Records at the Ohio State Penitentiary show he recieved no visitors during the twenty-five years he was inprisoned there.


1937 CE 2002 CE 65 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in prison
Culturally Christian Atheist

Author's Note

In the comics, Brian was eventually killed by Bruce and/or the Hulk after he was released from prison, but Bruce supressed the memory and isn't aware it happened. That really doesn't add anything to Bruce's characterisation, and even by comics standards its a little bit too melodramatic to not be jarring, so I've removed it.