
Ego (a.k.a. The Living Planet)

Ego was a Celestial, and the biological father of Peter Quill.

For unknown reasons, Ego was created without a body. While floating in space, he learned to telekinetically manipulate the atoms around him, allowing him to gradually build a shell around himself, creating the Living Planet. This also allowed him to create a human-like body, which he used when seducing Meredith Quill.

While travelling the galaxy, he planted 'seeds', extensions of his own planet, into the soil of other worlds. His intention was that he would use the seeds to terraform the planets into further extensions of himself, in an event he called the 'expansion'. In order to complete his self-imposed mission, he required the power of two Celestials, but his fellow Celestials refused to help him. He therefore began siring children with as many aliens as he could, in the hope that one of them would inherit the powers of a Celestial. Of his thousands of children, only Peter Quill inherited this power.

Learning of Ego's plan, Peter Quill, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and some of Yondu's Crew fought back, eventually succeeding in destroying his brain, killing him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One Ego had created the Living Planet, he used his powers to craft a humanoid avatar for himself, and an FTL ship, and set out to explore the Galaxy.

Despite visiting thousands of other planets, Ego was disappointed by the other sapient species he met, considering them all lesser. He became convinced that it was up to him to 'improve' the universe by imposing his will on it.

As he continued to travel, he began planting 'seeds' on other worlds, which, once activated, would terraform those planets into further extensions of Ego's contructed body. However, he realised that his own power alone would not be sufficient to activate the seeds.

He attempted to contact other Celestials to assist him, but they refused his request. Instead, Ego decided his only recourse was to have a child who would interit his power.

He fathered thousands of children accross hundres of galaxies, hiring Yondu Udonta and his crew to retrieve the children once they were old enough to test, and bring back to Ego's Planet. However none of the children brought to him had the power, and so Ego killed them, burying them in the caves of his planet.

In the 1970s, Ego visited Earth, planting a seedling in Missouri. While there, he met Meredith Quill, beginning a relationship with her.

Unlike his other relationships, Ego grew genuinely fond of Meredith, to the extent that he was capable of such a thing. Believing this was a weakness, after their son was born, he used his powers to mutate some of Meredith's brain cells, creating the tumour which would eventually kill her.

He dispatched Yondu's Ravagers to retrieve his son. However, Yondu had discovered that the other children he delivered had been murdered. Horrified, he instead chose to keep the child with his crew, becoming a kind of foster-father to Peter.

While on his travels, Ego discovered a child with empathetic powers, Mantis, and took her back to his planet, though he threated her more as a pet than a sapient being.

At some point after the Battle of Xandar, he became aware that his son was alive, and a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He tracked the crashed Milano to Berhert, and introduced himself to Peter, inviting him and the Guardians to come back to the Living Planet with him.

Quill, Gamora, and Drax chose to go with Ego, while Rocket and Groot remained behind.

Ego presented himself as a loving father who wanted to form a family with his long-lost son, luring Quill into trusting him. During the conversation, he realised Quill had inherited his powers, meaning his planned universal conquest was finally at hand.

He used his powers to hypnotise Quill, intending to force him to help him. However, he misjudged Quill's human emotions, and when he admitted to have killed Meredith. Quill was able to break free of his control and the two fought.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Guardians had arrived, along with Yondu and Kraglin Obfonteri. Mantis used her powers to put Ego to sleep, buying Rocket and Groot time to place explosives around Ego's brain. Unfortunately, a piece of falling debris, hit Mantis, breaking her concentration and awakening Ego.

With Yondu's encouragement, Quill was able to access his power without Ego's help, allowing him to battle Ego long enough for the Guardians to finish arming the bombs and escape. Realising what was happening, Ego warned Quill that if he killed him, the Celestial power in Quill would die as well, leaving him an ordinary human. Quill told him that it was worth it, and detonated the bomb, killing Ego.

Without his power to hold it together, the artificial planet disintergrated.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ego lived up to his name, believing himself to be the most important lifeform in the Galaxy, and showing no regard for the lives of others, even for a woman he professed to love.

He showed himself repeatedly to be incapable of understanding other beings' emotions and perspectives, seeing genuinely surprised that Peter Quill was upset to learn that Ego had killed Quill's mother.

He sexually assaulted potentially thousands of beings, convincing them to sleep with him under false pretenses, and possibly impregnating them against their will.


Year of Death
2014 CE
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Guardians of the Galaxy
Place of Death
Ego's Planet
Ruled Locations