
The Ravagers are an losely affiliated faction of intergalactic criminals.

While each Ravager faction has its own Captain and opperates largely independantly, they share cultural traditions and religious beliefs, and are honour-bound to attend any general muster issued by a faction Captain.

Anyone seeking to join the Ravagers must swear to the Code, a set of laws which govern Ravager activities. Factions can be cast out of the Ravagers for breaking the code. Factions which have been cast out often continue to use the name Ravager, but they are excluded from general musters, other factions will not come to their aid in times of need, and faction members cannot participate in cultural traditions such as funerals.

Most factions are nomadic, but Knowhere is a popular gathering place for Ravager factions.

Although they have no official leader, the Captain of the largest faction is usually looked to to lead by example. Currently, the largest faction is that lead by Stakar Ogord.

Ravager activity has been recorded in every known Galaxy, but they are most commonly active on the Galactic Rim.

One of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill, is a former Ravager.
Illicit, Syndicate
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Ravagers