Flora Colossi

Flora Colossi, commonly referred as Groot, are a species of plant-like sapient organisms native to Planet X. They are also somtimes called the Woodgods.

Basic Information


Flora Colossi resemble leafless trees, their bodies being make of wood. When young, they remain rooted in a single spot in order to draw nutrients from the earth. In adolescence they become ambulatory, obtaining nutrition from a mixture of eating and drinking, and from photosynthesis, but retain the ability to root themselves if needed.

They are theoretically immortal, being able to regrow from even a small twig if properly cared for.

They do not have a nervous system in the way mamalian or reptilian species so, and are able to suffer serious injuries, even losing whole limbs, without any pain.

Biological Traits

They are incredibly strong, helped by their ability to root themselves to the spot to increase their stability.

Their bark is dense enough to make most weapons useless against them, including firearms. It also makes them largely immune to fire.

They have the ability to produce phosphorescent spores that float through the air and offer enough ambient light to illuminate a small area.

They have the ability to stretch their limbs for long distances and reshape them for a variety of tasks, including being able to weave their limbs into a dense tangle of vines. Individual pseudopods can be grown at will, to act as fingers, rudimentary tools, or even bud a small flower.

Genetics and Reproduction

Flora Colossi are mono-gendered. They reproduce in a method similar to taking cuttings from plants, growing sprouts which are then sepperated from the parent and planted.

Additional Information

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Planet X's biome is managed by the Maintenance Mammals, a type of small squirrel-like beings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unknown - as their language is incomprehensible to all but a very few outsiders, little is known about their names, with individuals usually simply being referred to as 'Groot'.

Major Organizations

The Flora Colossi are ruled over by the Arbor Masters, who teach the children of the species with Photonic Knowledge. This is the accumulated knowledge of all the generations of the Arbor Masters, absorbed through photosynthesis. Due to their ability to transmit a huge amounts of knowledge to their young, Flora Colossi tend to be extremely intelligent.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language of the Flora Colossi is almost impossible to understand for outsiders, due to the stiffness of their larynxes and esoteric vocabulary. To the untrained ear it seems to consist entirely of the phrase "I am Groot". Even Galactic universal translators will simply translate the words 'I Am Groot' rather than translating the underlying meaning.

The language seems to be tonal, where a spoken phrase can mean many things, and is incomprehensible to the untrained ear.

Common Dress Code

Flora Colossi do not wear clothes.

Scientific Name
Flora Colossus
Unknown, possibly immortal
Average Height
Anywhere between 6'0" and 25'0"
Average Weight
970kg - 3,719kg
Geographic Distribution
Notable Individuals