
Kroke is a planet in the Ouin system, and homeworld of the Tribbitites.

In 2009, Kroke was targetted by Thanos. Why they were chosen is unknown: Thanos usually targetted words suffering from famines, droughts, or resource wars. A Nova Corps report on the war that followed theorised that it was a political move, as the Tribbitites were expanding into Kronia, Thanos's home system.

The war that followed lasted 12 days, ending with a decisive victory for Thanos's Armies, after which they 'balanced' the planet, killing 2.6 billion of Tribbitites.


The planet is mountainous, and most of the surface is heavily forested. The planet has an unusually high precipitation, but there are many arid and semi-arid regions, primarily located in the rain-shadows of montains.

There is a small amount of permanent ice at the poles, but the majority of water on the planet is liquid or vapour, and temperatures outside of the poles and the highest mountainous regions are temperate to hot.
Milky Way
Star System

Author's Note
We literally know nothing about Kroke, because the Tribbilites had already abandonned it before they were first introduced, so I've based my descriptions mostly on the Mexican state of Puebla, because the Tribbilites look kind of like short-tailed horntoads!