Thanos <WIP>

Thanos son of A'Lars (a.k.a. The Mad Titan)

Thanos was an intergalactic warlord from the planet Titan.

Following the destruction of Titan in resource wars, leaving him the only surviving member of his species, he became obsessed with the percieved dangers of over-population, adopting a Malthusian outlook. He made it his personal crusade to 'solve' over-population by massacreing 50% of the population of any planet that attracted his attention. This campaign lead directly to the extinction of at least one sapient species (the Zen-Whoberi), a fact he seemed to be unaware of.

Although he ammassed huge armies and a cadre of loyal Generals, he was still only capable of committing genocide on one or two planets at a time. In order to extend his reach, he began to hunt down the Infinity Stones, intending to use their power to kill half of all life in the universe.

As well as his soldiers, Thanos adopted children from some of the planets he targetted, raising them as fanatically loyal living weapons. These children were known as the Black Order and the Daughters of Thanos.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, he forced Eitri King of the Dwarves to forge him a gauntlet that would allow him to harness the power of the Stones.

He succeeded in collecting all the stones and enacting his plan, but at the same moment, Tony Stark was sent back in time by Stephen Strange to alter the timeline and prevent that from coming to pass.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Titan, Thanos possesed superhuman levels of durability, capable of going toe-to-toe with the Hulk without sustaining serious harm. He also possessed super-human reflexes, stamina, and strength. He also possessed a regenerative healing factor, and mild telepathic abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Fall of Titan

Thanos was a member of the Titans, a race of powerful aliens that evolved on the planet of Titan. Thanos desperately sought to save Titan when the planet became threatened by imminent catastrophic collapse due to overpopulation. Coming up with his own solution, Thanos suggested killing half of the population of their planet entirely at random, freeing the rest from starvation. However, his idea was considered too drastic and was dismissed by his people, who exiled him from Titan for his suggestion. However, Thanos' warnings were proven right, as Titan was rendered uninhabitable, and Titans became extinct, leaving only Thanos remaining.

The Mad Titan

As a result of Titan's fall, Thanos came to believe that the universe's resources were finite and insufficient, and resource wars would eventually destroy the universe itself. In order to save other planets from Titan's fate, Thanos used his skills to amass resources and became a conqueror, moving through the universe and destroying half of all life on the planets he invaded. This campaign earned Thanos a fearful reputation as an intergalactic warlord. Thanks to his invasions, and the wealth and power he amassed, he was able to recruit an ever-growing army, including several Chitauri motherships, and many native Sakaarans.

Seeking to create generals who would be fanatically loyal, Thanos collected orphans from various races that he conquered. His oldest children were Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, and Proxima Midnight. These four warriors, all devoted to Thanos, comprised the Black Order.

The final member of the Black Order was Black Swan, who was the first of Thanos's children to be adopted as a young child, rather than a teenager or adult. She joined him by choice, even killing her own brother to win his favour, as she believed him to be the Rebum Alal, a prophesied figure in the religion of the Hidden City. Thanos enjoyed her company, and after her death during the Skrull Civil War, he adopted only young girls, taking no more sons or trained warriors. 

The first of the Daughters of Thanos to be "adopted" was Gamora, who he kidnapped after massacring her people, the Zehoberei. 

Thanos also targetted the Luphomoid homeworld, abducting the young Nebula, and later Kylos, where he apparently massacred the family of Drax but actually took Moondragon as another daughter. (Note; this is the result of the timeline being editted during the Korvac War, prior to this in both the original and new timelines Nebula was the last child he adopted).

He claimed to love his daughters, but raised them to a life of brutal violence, constantly pitting them against each other. It has been theorised that this mistreatment was due in part to the fact that he had expected they would love him as Black Swan had done, and he grew angry when they instead resented him for killing their families and kidnapping them). He trained them as vicious warriors, and punished mistakes by forcing the children to undergo surgery to become cyborgs against their will. Because of this violation, as well as the emotional and physical abuse, Gamora grew to obsessively hate him, while Nebula went to ever increasing lengths to try and impress him, torn between fear and resentment. Moondragon was the only one of his daughters who was truely loyal to him.

Realising that he would never be able to fulfil his genocidal mission using only his army, Thanos began hunting down legends of Infinity Stones. The first Stone he located was the Mind Stone. He had a staff built to hold it, allowing the user to make use of its powers without the danger that came with touching a Stone.

He made an alliance with the rogue Kree Accuser, Ronan. Through Ronan's access to the Kree Empire's archives, he discovered a lead on the location of the Orb. He sent Nebula and Korath the Pursuer to retrieve it from the Cloud Tombs of Praxius, and when it turned out to be a false lead and Nebula became trapped there, he forbade Gamora from rescuing her, resulting in Nebula being forced to cut off her own arm to escape.

Alliance with Loki

When the Asgardian Prince Loki washed up on shores of a planet controlled by Thanos's forces, he pledged himself to Thanos's service in exchange for the change to gain a throne. Thanos gifted him with the Sceptre and a large portion of the Chitauri forces, sending him to Earth to retrieve the Tesseract.

When Loki failed, and the Sceptre was taken by S.H.I.E.L.Dm Thanos began to study the Avengers and the Earth's defences.

Hunt for the Power Stone

When the Kree Empire signed a non-expansion treaty with the Nova Corps, Thanos offered Ronan a deal - if Ronan could locate and retrieve the Orb, Thanos would make the Nova homeworld of Xandar his next target. However, distrustful of Ronan's conditional loyalty, he dispatched Nebula and Gamora to accompany him.

Although Ronan successfully located the Orb's hiding place on Morag, he was not able to retrieve it before it was stolen by Peter Quill. Gamora was sent to Xandar to retrieve it, but she betrayed Thanos, intending to take the Stone for herself and sell it to the Collector who was also known to be seeking the Stones.

Enraged by this betrayal, Ronan responded by murdering The Other, Thanos's major-domo. Although Thanos dismissed Ronan's concerns, he sent Nebula to retrieve both her sister and the Orb.

Ronan and Nebula succeeded in retrieving the Orb, but the Thanos's fury, Ronan betrayed his patron, taking the Power Stone for himself. Despite weilding an Infinity Stone, Ronan was defeated by the Guardians of the Galaxy, who gave the stone to the Nova Corps for safe-keeping.

Infinity War

<Section in Progress>

Intellectual Characteristics

Thanos believed absolutely in his own intelligence, and that only he could save the universe. When the facts contradicted his convictions, he simply ignored them. This can be seen in his assertion that he saved the Zehoberei, when his actions actually resulted to the extinction of the entire species, along with countless species of plants and animals who also lived on Zen-Whoberi.

He was skilled in the art of double-think, professing his love for his daughters while subjecting them to horrific abuse, just as he professed to love all the life in the universe even as he slaughtered billions.

Despite his hypocrasy and eco-facist beliefs, he was hugely charismatic, capable of inspiring intense loyalty in his followers.

Morality & Philosophy

The philosopher-priests of the Kymelians called him 'the most evil creature to have ever lived'. However, despite his politics being at best nonsensical, he seemed to have been genuine in his beliefs.

Personality Characteristics


To "Restore Balance" (reduce population in order to reduce consumption) by committing the largest genocide in the history of the universe.


Family Ties

Thanos adopted eight children. The elder four, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian, and Ebony Maw formed the Black Order.

Black Swan was also a member of the Order, though was typically seen as somewhat sepperate, representing the transition between the Order and Thanos's Daughters, Gamora, Nebula, and Moondragon.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
He was known as the Mad Titan, an epithet he embraced.
Many of his followers used the honorific 'Lord' when addressing him.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1014 CE 2018 CE 1004 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle by the Terran Alliance
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations