
The Krylorians are a species of magenta-skinned humanoids native to the planet Krylor.

'Feminine' Krylorians are considered particularly attractive by many sapient species, which has unfortunately lead to a demand for Krylorian slaves. As a result, planets with automatic manumission, such as Xandar, have large diaspora populations of Krylorians, many of them the descended from former slaves.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Krylosians have five biological sexes, classified by most xeno-biologists as Male, Female, Hermaphroditic I, Hermaphroditic II, and Neuter. Some Krylosians object to this classification, considering it inaccurate. Krylosians themselves classify biological sex purely on a chromosonal basis, and consider terms such as 'male' and 'female' to refer only to gender identity. Krylosians identify their biological sexes as ZW, ZZ, Z, ZZW, & WW.

Although Krylosians with an appearance considered 'feminine' by other races are freqently considered highly attractive by heterosexual males, they are rarely biologically 'Female', typically possessing WW chromosones.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Krylosians are obligate carnivores, and are incapable of processing most plant-based foods.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Krylosian society has traditionally recognised three genders, male, female, and ungendered. This is notable as this is fewer than the number of biological sexes.

Krylosians do not consider sex and gender to be linked, and what other species would consider 'transgender' individuals make up an estimated 64% of the population.

Courtship Ideals

Krylosians premasticate food for their children. This also forms part of a traditional Krylosian courtship, as it is considered a symbol of intention to care for an another.

A traditional Krylorian bonding ceremony involved the three participants taking it in turns to regurgitate partially-digested raw meat into one naother's mouths.

Relationship Ideals

The traditional Krylosian romatic relationship consists of three people, one of each of their traditional genders.

Among diaspora communities, this is frequently no longer the case. This usually means relationships involved more than three participants, or with a different gender make-up. Relationships of only two individuals are still highly stigmatised in Krylosian society, especially if the couple wish to have children, as two people are not considered sufficient to properly care for a child.

Average Technological Level

Krylosians posses faster than light travel, but are otherwise considered technologically backward by most other space-faring races.

Home Galaxy
Home System
Home Planet
Known Individuals