Xandar <WIP>

Xandar is a planet in Tranta system. It was formerly the throne-world of the Nova Empire.

In 2018, the planet was attacked by Thanos's Armies, as they were in possession of the Orb. The Nova Corps were destroyed, and 50% of the population of Xandar killed, leading to the collapse of the Empire.


The surface of Xandar is almost entirely water, and most cities are built on artificial atolls.


The planet is very meterologically active, regularly exspiriancing vast storms known as Maelstroms. The Xandarians have harnessed these Maelstroms and they are the primary source of power for the planet.
Alternative Name(s)
Co-ordinate: M31V J00442326+412708
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Articles under Xandar <WIP>