
Levia was a planet in the Nelweni system. Over-mining of the planet's core lead to the planet breaking apart in the late 90s.


The planet had an unusually large core, and relatively thin crust, and was highly tectonically active, with 18 distinct tectonic plates. This resulted in a mountainous surface, with a very highly number of volcanos.

The planet had little freshwater, with the majority of water on the planet being the two oceans, consisting of high-alkiline saltwater.


The native Levians are believed to have achieved a singular planetary government in the early 19th century, following a series of wars of conquest by the wealthy Sharstor nation, won in large part due to their advanced technology.

However, the government of the new formed Democratic Republic of Levia was both authoritarian and corrupt, violently supressing any dissent. This included banning any discussion of the massive planetary damage being done by magma mining, necessary to power the Sharstorian geothermal technology.

As well as destruction of animal habitants and contamination of water-sources, earthquakes and volcanic erruptions became increasingly common in areas around the mines, leading geologists to fear that the planet itself was becoming unstable. Although reports were published by several extra-planetary bodies, these were banned for import, and supressed by the government.

In response to one of these reports, Thanos invaded the planet, killing 50% of the total population with the intention of reducing the need for resources. However, although the First Citizen (the DRL equivilent of a President) was executed, much of the government escaped the massacre.

In the aftermarth, the new First Citizen lauded his predecessor as a martyr, and claimed Thanos's attack had been motivated by jealousy of their advanced civilisation and technology, increasing mining efforts.

In 1999, this resulted in the destruction of the planet, with only a small number of Levians, primarily government and military officials and their families, escaping, on board a star-ship whose construction, believed to have been begun in 1994, suggests they were fully aware of the damage they were doing to their planet.
Milky Way
Star System
Cracked Planet