
Rigellians are a sapient race, best known for their latent psychic abilities.

Imperial Rigel was once one of the largest empires in the galaxy. Although much of the empire has since become independant, or been taken over by other galactic powers, Rigellians remain politically powerful. They are one of the powers who make up the Intergalactic Summit.

Basic Information


Rigellians evolved from creatures similar to terran octopodiforms. They have a head which contains their eyes, mouth, brain, and heart. Their head is largely sold, supported by a dense cartiliginous structure similar to a skull.

They are soft bodied, with only their heads having any hard structures. Their torso contains their digestive system. They have four tentacles on the lower part of their body, and two shorter tentacles high up on the torso, often mistaken for arms.

Their lower body is made up primarily of muscle, and they are capable of tensing the muscles in order to enhance their strength or to solidify their physical form.

Ecology and Habitats

Although originally aquatic, Rigellians now live primarily on land. However, they need to submerge themselves in water semi-regularly, which is usually solved by the use of sleeping pools in place of beds.

Rigellians find surface gravity tiring, and Rigellian instilations typically have no, or extremely low, artificial gravity.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces are smooth, with two pupilless yellow eyes, and no visible nose or ears. Their mouths appear small, but are capable of stretching to allow them to eat objects up to the size of their own heads.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rigellians are telepathic, capable of reading and influencing the minds of both sapients and non-sapients. As well as being their primary means of communication, this ability also forms a key part of how they navigate the world, as they are partially blind, capable of seeing light and dark but little else.

Their skin is extremely sensitive, allowing them to navigate by feel and identify potential sources of danger without the need for sight.

They are also telekinetic. Most Rigellians prefer to use this ability in order to hover, rather than touching the ground, when outside of Rigellian space, due to the sensitivity of their skin.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Rigellians are highly technologically advanced, which technology including warp driven starships, subatomic particle manipulation, teleportation, and the ability to move planets via tractor beams and space warps.


Imperial Rigel was a coilitian of settler worlds, each owing alleigence to the central imperial government on Rigel-7.

When a ship from the colonizer fleet found an planet suited to the unique physiological needs of the Rigellians, they would apply to the Division of Claims. Following an inspection to assess suitability, the captain of the ship would be registered with the central Rigellian authority. Once registered, the Rigellian military would support the claimant against any attack, including by the owners or inhabitants of the planet being claimed.

Their military power lay in their early technological power, and their psychic abilities. As other races advanced technologically, the Rigellians increasingly lost the wars for control of claimed planets, and eventually the Divison of Claims was shut down.

The Rigellian government increasingly adopted a policy of recognising claims of independance from former colonies. However, the current Rigellian state remains large, due to their colonisation of planets unsuitable for mamalian races. In addition, some colonised planets elected to remain under Rigellian rule, as the government on Rigel has become increasingly empathetic in recent years, and remaining part of the empire provides them with protection from other colonising races.

Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Yellow head and upper torso, with black tentacles.
Home Galaxy
Milky Way
Home System
Notable Individuals