Star Whales

Star Whales are a species of massive space-faring mamals, who have evolved to live in deep space.

They are classified as a non-sapient intelligent species by the Pan-Worlds Treaties, as they have shown some limited sentience, and form deep emotional bonds. They are peaceful, and there are almost no known instances of unprovoked attacks by Star Whales.

They are preyed upon by both The Brood and the Chitauri, who used them as deep-space transport or weapons, using Brood Queen mind-control or cybernetic implants to subdujagate them.

They are considered endangered, due to hunting by the Brood and Chitauri, as well as by various races which use them as food, and by non-sapient predators. Hunting of Star Whales is prohibited under the Pan Worlds Treaties, but this is not enforced by most galactic powers.
Scientific Name
Psuedocetacea Stellaris
2000-2500 years
Average Weight
450-600 tonnes
Average Length
30-60 meters