
The Chitauri are a sentient species of cybernetically enhanced beings originating from the binary star-system of Chi Tauri. They are also known as the Annakul.

They are classified as a hive-race by the Nova Corps, meaning individual Chitauri cannot be tried for crimes due to their limited independant thought.

It is widely believed that they were not originally a hive-species, as their Motherships are mechanical rather than organic, though whether this was something they did to their own race, or something done to them, is known. Due to their use of cybernetically colonised Star Whales as warships, it has been suggested that they have some connection to The Brood. Some Kree xeno-biologists have theorised that the hive-mind was orignally intended to protect them from Brood Queen mind-control.

Although now discredited by genetic testing, it was previously commonly accepted that they were a sister-race of the Skrull.

Prior to his death, seven of the eight known Mother Ships were under the control of Thanos.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Chitauri live in Hives. It is believed by some Kree scientists, primarily those who believe the Chitauri are related to The Brood, that Hives originally had organic queens. However, all current known Hives are governed by Artifial Intelligence Motherships.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While they maintain a Hive in the Chi Tauri solar system, they are now primarily nomadic, living on star-ships.

Average Intelligence

Individual Chitauri are capable of limited independant thought. Motherships, the only independant minds in a Hive, are Artifial Intelligences. Assessment of species intelligence is therefore impossible.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Like The Brood, the Chitauri use Star Whales as transportation, cybernetically colonising them in order to bring them under Mothership control.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Although Chitauri have faster than light travel, Artifial Intelligence, and access to cybernetic enhancements, a longditudinal study conducted by the University of Kree-La noted that their level of technology does not appear to change over time.
Home Planet
Chitauri Prime
20 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
Related Technologies
Notable Individuals