Sword of Fu Xi

A magical sword, currently wielded by Lin Lie.

According to legend, the sword of Fu Xi was the first sword ever to be created. Records of it appear throughout Chinese history and mythology, and there are several differing accounts of its origin, including that it was made from one of the nine suns which Hou Yi shot out of the sky, that it was originally a lightning bolt which Fu Xi caught in his hands, or that it was made by the goddess Nüwa from one of her own ribs as a wedding gift for Fu Xi.

According to the Classic of Mountains of Seas, when the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor prepared to face Chiyou and his demon army at the battle of Zhuolu, the Yellow Emperor prayed to the Three Sovereigns to send aid to their descendants. Fu Xi sent the leader of his descendant clan his sword.

Powers and Abilities

The sword is capable of moving by itself, and can be used for limited short-range flight.

When weilded by a descendant of the leader of the Fu Xi clan, the blade is surrounded by green fire. This fire can be used as a projectile, and which increase the cutting power of the sword. The flames burn demons on touch.

The sword is tied to the ancestral line of its first weilder. As well as its full powers only being activated when weilded by one of Fu Xi's descendants, it also cannot be used to harm them, and even if a descendant is run through with the blade, they will be unharmed.

The sword appears to possess some degree of sentience, and remembers its own history. Shortly after it first came into his possession, the sword stabbed Lin Lie, which allowed it to share those memories with him.
Fu Xi or Nüwa
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder

Author's Note
The comics version of the sword doesn't have much in the way of history, so a large portion of this is my own creation. My knowledge of Chinese mythology is very limited, so I've done my best with Google. I know Hou Yi's story takes place long after Fu Xi's, I just thought the idea of forging a dead sun into a sword was cool! (It's not mentioned in the classic of mountains and seas because it was made up for the comics, but I figured in a world where it provably existed, the classic would probably be slightly different).