Lin Lie <WIP>

Lie Lin (a.k.a. Sword Master)

Lin Lie is a Chinese superhero known as Swordsmaster.

In 2017, he was one of the Chosen Heroes transported to Battleworld by The Beyonder and forced to fight one another.

During one of these battles, he was forced to kill Nathan Garrett in self-defence when the Ebony Blade's bloodlust overwhealmed Garrett's will.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Warriors of the Three Sovereigns

Lin Lie was born in Shanghai, China, in 1993. His father, Lin Haoyu, was a respected archeologist, with a particular expertise in the Xia dynasty. His mother, Zhao Ai, died shortly after his birth.

When Lie was 19, his father and older brother Lin Feng, who had followed their father into archeology, left for a dig in Quianfengou. Before leaving, Lie's father gave him a Sword, telling him it was an important artifact, and asking him to protect it until Lin Haoyu returned.

After several weeks without hearing from his father and brother, he contacted the hotel in Quianfengou where they were supposed to be staying, only to learn that they had never arrived. A police search was mounted, but no trace of either of them could be found. They had seemingly disappeared almost immediately after leaving Shanghai.

One year later, a courier delivered a puzzle box to Lin Lie's apartment. When he solved the puzzle, he found the box contained an orb made of ruby glass, and was immediately attacked by a demon. This is when the sword revealed its true nature, moving by itself to protect Lin Lie.

He was rescued by Ji Shuangshuang, who showed him a vision of the Huaxia people uniting under three rulers to defeat the demon-lord Chiyou 5,000 years ago. Ji Shuangshuang explained that she and Lin Lie were direct descendants of two of of the three sovereigns, Fu Xi and NĂ¼-wa. The sword Lin Lie's father had given to him was the legendary sword of Fu Xi, a powerful ancient magical artifact.

The orb, known as the orb of Chiyou, was also a magical object, the anchor of the magical seal used to seal Chiyou out of this dimension. Although the seal was not yet broken, it has been weakened by the removal of the sword and orb, allowing Chiyou's demonic forces to escape into the world, and seek to free their master.

He was taken by Ji Shuangshuang to her family's ancestral home, to begin his training in earnest to weild the Sword of Fu Xi and combat the demon threat.


Section under construction
Year of Birth
1993 CE 25 Years old
Shanghai, China
Current Residence
Shanghai, China
Aligned Organization
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