
Taur is an inhabited planet in the Jezen system.

In the 2000s, a combination of prolonged deforestation and outbreaks of disease among grazing animals caused dustbowls, resulting in widespread starvation on the planet's largest continent. This was further exacerbated by an erruption of a marine volcano in 2005, which caused massive tsunamis, disrupting sea life, and devestation coastal settlements.

The Taurians were a pre-FTL civilisation, but were aware of the wider galaxy. The decision was made to send out a distress signal, requesting aid from more technologically advanced civilisations. However, the signal was picked up the Thanos, who believed the planet was a prime example of over-population caused resource scarcity.

As a result, he sent this forces lead by his children to 'balance' the planet. The Taurians lacked both the numbers and the technology to defend themselves, and were unable to prevent 50% of the planet's population from being slaughtered.
Milky Way
Star System